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Hovering over the city surrounded by an aura composed of pure solar-fire, Ryu gazes hopelessly down below. His hues bright red, fingers twitching and sparking with inordinate amounts of solar energy. Chest heaving as he comes to terms with his actions. Although everything appears to be normal, he can't get the sight of him destroying almost everything in his path because he couldn't control his rage. Nor can he stop the smell of char from filling his nose.

As horrendous as it is, there's calmness lingering within him. Happy to know that the damage he caused has been reversed in some way he can't explain. You see, although he has good control over his abilities, he's still unsure of his abilities and the full extent of them for he didn't get the chance to learn due to his parent's passing. So, the territory is without a doubt new ground. One of which he hopes to venture through once the dust settles.

From his position, he catches a glimpse of Bellamy standing on the balcony of Grid's safe house, leaning forward against the chipped stone balcony railing with his arms folded atop of it. Pain. Sadness. Confusion. All the emotions Bellamy feels. All the emotions Ryu perceives due to them being connected. Those very emotions bringing Ryu to a state of bewilderment, wondering why their connection wasn't severed after the events.

Why does this man still care about him? Why won't he give up and let him go? Why does he himself still care?

As he gazes down at Bellamy, those walls he surrounds himself with crack when he sees him staring back at him. Unable to withstand those dark brown eyes that convey everything Bellamy wants to say. Which leaves him at a crossroads. He knows that regardless of what happens, he will have to have a conversation. With him and everyone else regarding his actions. He also knows that for him and Bellamy, there's more on the table that they must sort through.

Heaving a sigh, he disperses into a swarm of moths composed of pure solar-fire vanishing into nothingness. Reappearing on the balcony, the moths swirl like a miniature tornado before Ryu appears, arms folded. Attracting Bellamy's attention. There's so much he wants to say and do, and he can tell that Bellamy feels the same. Taking notice of his puffy, reddened eyes and disheveled hair. The lack of sleep very apparent.

"You should sleep, Bellamy." A faint whisper, his voice like music to Bellamy's ears.

"I can tell you haven't been."

"I can only sleep when I'm lying next to you." The truth.

"And you've been in a state of preservation and recovery for a week until today and I've been worried."

Although Bellamy's words warm his core, he pushes them away. A mechanism he's all too good at.

"You shouldn't be worried about me." Hues shifting reflectively to nothing in particular.

"Not after everything I did."

"What you did is what any one of us would've done." Stepping closer to him.

"You're not a monster, Ryu."

"How can you say that when I almost destroyed the entire city?" Reverting his attention to Bellamy.

"All because I was so angry at what Maze did to me, to my family, to everyone that I couldn't stop myself. I put the entire team and city at risk for a victory that feels fruitless. So, if I am anything. I am a monster."

Stepping closer, Bellamy's hands grace Ryu's cheeks. Chest heaving as anger courses throughout his entirety. The man he loves isn't a monster and more than anything, he wants him to stop seeing himself as one.

"You are not a monster." Voice unwavering.

"You are so much more than that, Ryu. Fuck all the variables in play here. Fuck all the variables that got you to this point besides your family's death and think about who you are. Think about who you are with me."

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