An Old Friend

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The sun rises above the horizon, a warm breeze blowing calmly through the quiet streets as Bellamy makes his way back to his haven on his motorcycle. Anger rushes through his body as he mentally chastises himself, making him even more determined to figure out the reason behind his encounter with Ryu.

To say he's pissed is an understatement. He was bested by someone in such an easy way, and that alone is weighing on him. As he effortlessly swerves through the streets, avoiding cars from the early morning rush hour, he receives a call in which he accepts. Pressing the answer button on his motorcycle.

"Please tell me you have something, Chris." Hoping for good news.

"You shouldn't pursue this if you know what's good for you." Grid says.

"What?" He questions, raising a brow. 

"Who the hell is this?"

"Someone trying to save your life."

"I don't need saving, I need answers... so unless you plan on helping me with that, I would advise you to—"

Out of the blue, a cybernetic portal spawns in the middle of the street attracting his attention.

"What the hell?" Slowing down on his motorcycle. 

"What is this?"

"If you want answers, I would advise you to go into the portal. I'll be waiting on the other side.

Bellamy huffs. "How do I know this isn't some trap?"

"As diligent as you are intuitive, I can't provide an answer to your question. What does your gut say?"

Bellamy pauses momentarily. On one hand it could be a trap, but on the other hand the man on the phone could be telling the truth. Heaving a sigh, he rides into the portal. Vanishing into thin air.

Not even seconds later, he reappears in the garage of Grid's home. Examining the room, he takes notice of the high-tech equipment, and expensive looking décor that makes him relax almost instantly. The place didn't feel threatening, so he didn't need to be on edge.

Turning off the engine of his motorcycle, he kicks the kickstand down, and gets off the bike. Proceeding over to the empty table, combing his fingers through his hair. Pulling out a chair, he takes a seat and waits for the man that called him to show, a bit hesitant about it, but still as ready as possible.

A short moment later, the sound of an elevator door opening fills the atmosphere, and just as expected, Grid walks off. A tablet in hand.

"Bellamy, right?" He asks, glancing up at him.

"Yeah, and you are?"

"The names, Grid. I'm the man that stopped you from becoming a full-course meal." Placing his tablet on the table, taking a seat.

"I remember you now that we're face to face again. I guess I should thank you?"

"I don't need your thanks... you did that already with your fear-stricken eyes. What I need from you is your word that you won't pursue this." Voice unwavering.

Bellamy's gaze narrows, the indifference evident. 

"And why would I give you that?"

"It'll make things easier for you."

"Easier how?" Leaning forward on the table. 

"There is no possible outcome where I end up on the losing end, so you're going to have to come up with another stratagem to get me to back down because this isn't working."

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