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Sweat drips from Ryu and Grid's warm bodies as they bring each other to their peak. Muffled moan and groans filling the atmosphere of the bedroom as the inescapable pleasure wraps them in a cocoon of stimulation. Pushing them closer to the brink of exhaustion.

Straddling Grid, a hand gracing chest and the other gripping the headboard, Ryu rides him slowly. Hips gyrating, eliciting strained groans from Grid's lips. Soft moans leaving his lips in reaction as Grid's hips rock into his, bombarding him with long strokes eliciting soft whimpers. Sending chills throughout Grid's body.

There's no stopping. Removing his hand from the headboard, Ryu wraps it around Grid's neck. Tilting his head back, lips parted. A groan rumbles in his chest. Snaking a hand up Ryu's toned body, wrapping it around his neck to reciprocate the favor. Squeezing just enough to pull air from his lungs, hips rocking even harder. Relentless.

He's unable to take his lustful gaze off him, enamored by not only his beauty, but his subtle way of delivering an abundance of pleasure that takes over his senses. It's frightening, never once feeling this feeling, but it's also magical. In a swift motion, he rolls on top of him. Movements becoming sloppy, but more calculating as Ryu's walls clench around him. His body jerking underneath him.

He's close, and Ryu knows this because he is too. Wrapping his legs tightly around Grid's waist, face buried against his neck, he sucks greedily at his warmth. Leaving evidence against his skin for tomorrow as he reaches his peak. Like rocks skipping over a lake before plunging into the depths of the cool blue, his body becomes nothing more than a ripple of immeasurable pleasure. Letting himself go all over his abdomen, digits dragging down Grid's broad back.

Like a song on loop, Ryu's moans echo around them. His back arched to perfection allowing Grid to snake his arms around him, holding him against his body as he rides the wave taking him home. The throaty groans Grid releases signifies his closeness, reveling in the sounds of Ryu. His entire body like an unstoppable pulse bouncing off the surrounding walls, he fills the man with his seed. Burying his face against his chest, strained groans falling through his lips.

The sound of Grid reaching his peak is music to Ryu's ears. Bodies trembling and fruitless attempts at catching their breath, Ryu rolls back on top of Grid. Hands gracing his chest, pinning him to the bed. He could feel his arousal pulsating inside of him, same as his. Reveling in the moment as they graciously come down. A euphoric smile gracing his lips, Grid gently kneads Ryu's rear, tongue brushing across his lips. Gazes into Ryu's evocative eyes swirling with red.

"My God, you're an animal." He chuckles, heaving a sigh of contentment. Rubbing his hands up his back. 

"Have you reached your desired peak yet?"

Tucking his lip between his teeth, he shakes his head no.

"Well then... looks like I'm going to need another condom."

"Or you could just wear the one you have now." A brilliant suggestion.

"Filthy." He groans, rolling on top of him. Pinning his arms to the bed, hips rocking slowly. 

"Only if you promise to clean up the mess you make."

"I plan on it."


After pleasing each other to sexual exhaustion, Ryu and Grid regroup upstairs in his Grid's laboratory where he plans to discuss with Ryu the kind of test he wants to run in hopes of figuring out why his right arm isn't healing. Standing at a nearby control panel, Grid glances over at Ryu who stands dead center in the middle of the room, surrounded by four metal pillars that curve inwards towards the top.

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