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Deafening silence. That's all that fills Grid's laboratory as he stares apologetically at Ryu who's sitting perfectly on the corner of his desk. He knew it was insane for him to intervene in his matters with Bellamy especially after Mr. Maze warned him, but he knows that Bellamy has nothing to do with Ryu's need for revenge.

With his arms folded across his chest, he exhales as he takes a seat on the stool beside him, his fingers unnoticeably tapping his sides. His jaw clenches, and his gaze narrows as he tries to gauge Ryu's state of mind, but he's unable to tell due to the blank expression upon Ryu's face.

"I'm sorry." He forces out, regretting his words because of the uncertainty he feels.

"About what?" He asks, raising a brow.

Grid exhales softly. "Intervening in your matters. I shouldn't have done that." He says, sincerity clear in his voice.

"Then why did you?" He inquires, crossing his legs, leaning back using his hands to prop himself up.

"Because Bellamy has nothing to do with your family, and I didn't want to see him die for it." He says honestly.

Ryu hums. "Two things. Number one, I was never going to kill him. I knew who he was when I saw the kill folder. Number two, none of the people I've been killing have anything to do with my family's death."

"So why are you doing this? Why even waste time going after him if you know he's not a part of this?"

"Because it's fun." He chuckles. "Mr. Maze is using me. I don't know what the full extent of that is, but what I do know is that seeing the fear on these people's faces when they take their last breath is gratifying to me." His tongue brushes across his lips. "I don't care who I have to kill, because eventually all things will come out."

"So, what . . . this is just some game to you?"

"It's a game to everyone!" He retorts. "You think I don't know the reason why Mr. Maze assigned you to me? It's because you're command. You're his eyes and ears. You are to report back to him everything that I say and do because he's unable to keep tabs on me himself. We are all pawns in his game however, even as pawns we can still make our own moves." He says, eyes slowly transitioning to pure solar-fire, anger clear in his voice.

Grid notices and tries to calm him. "Ryu-"

"I despise that man!" He yells, gravikinetically whisking items into the air unnoticeable to himself. "He overcompensates for everything he lacks, and yet for some strange reason I find myself wanting to do right by him."

Grid moves to his feet, a look of indifference and worry plastered upon his face.


"Why do you think that is? It's not by chance. It's not because he saved me from a fate I was supposed to meet. It's because he excels at manipulation." He says, levitating off the desk to his feet causing the gravikinetically lifted objects to incinerate gradually. "I am angry. I am hurt. This is the only way I can feel like I'm avenging them." He jabs a finger at him, the skin upon his face slowly burning away. "And I won't let anyone stand in my way!" He says, a deep and resounding tone in his voice.

The entire complex begins to shake profusely causing immense pain to Ryu who grabs his ears, a loud ringing bombarding his mind. He grunts sharply, the ringing getting louder and louder causing him to stumble around the lab. Grid follows him, but a gravitational force sends him flying back into a monitor.

A loud scream could be heard as Ryu gravikinetically lifts more objects. Computers, chairs, tables, and even items bolted to the floor are all whisked into the air with little effort, disintegrating at a much more rapid rate. Recovering from the impact, Grid moves to his feet slowly watching the destruction of his lab. He knows this is because Ryu's anger has spiked, and if he didn't stop it now, there will be hell to pay.

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