~*~ School Catch Up ~*~

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23rd November 2009

Bailey’s POV

It’d been two weeks since I Alaric first mentioned helping me with conquering my drug problems, and honestly I knew it’d be hard but I never knew it’d be this hard. Everything hurt all the time, but it was slowly getting better, but at an extremely low rate. With trying to get back on my feet as well as not using drugs it made my attention span to be even lower and I found it so hard to do anything well, which made it even worse in the course of trying to do something normal.

Even though I had only been using drugs for two months, I could barely remember how my brain functioned without them. This meant it was nearly impossible to do anything well in life. It was like learning everything again as a new, rather than just trying to rehabilitate myself. Although it hurt and was psychologically damaging, I was slowly becoming to feel more myself and be happier in who I was becoming, as it was certainly not the same person as before.

The hope and happiness of normality was the only thing that helped me through the days when nearly all I could feel was pain.

Like every week day I was spending my Monday afternoon in Alaric’s classroom.

Rather than how I acted prior to attempting to be clean, I didn’t spend all of my time with Jeremy, just most of it. As I completely ditched any school knowledge for two months it meant I had to catch up with it all, and all of the work I had forgotten. Luckily Alaric, even though he was a new teacher, he got along with most of the faculty and had gotten all of my work and was slowly teaching it to me.

Luckily I was far ahead of most people but I had completely destroyed all my hard work that I had done over the years, but I was getting back up to that standard of work once again.

For the past two weeks I hadn’t experienced a break time, lunch time or a few hours after school and I highly doubted I would experience those three things for a while longer.

Alaric clearly cared about my learning in how he had gave up most of his free time to tutor me in all subjects even though he solely taught history, but he did very well in teaching me the entire curriculum. 

Although I no longer spent every afternoon straight from school with Jeremy, I did spend most days after working with Alaric with him. It was better like this though. I know it was nice spending every waking second with him, but now it made our friendship more real and gave us more to talk about in our friendship, when we actually spent time together. 

Also we rarely ended up hanging in his house where we used to only spend our time there to be able to do drugs. Now we didn’t need that. Granted I did go to his house a couple of days in the past fortnight but mainly we’d just spend time in the Mystic Grill. Every day we were there it’d generally consist of him attempting to teach me to play pool, and failing miserably, then we’d end up just playing darts.

I could never understand the point in pool, and I just couldn’t understand how to play the game, whereas I could play darts. My Dad spent a lot of the holidays here drinking and playing darts, so he taught me how to play, and now I’m relatively good. Well definitely better than Jeremy was at the game, but that wasn’t hard.

As today was my first after school lesson of the week, it was less intense. We covered a bit of my history work and then we moved onto working on maths.

“And that’s all for today,” Alaric smiled closing the maths text book.

I didn’t really like maths as it was simple and boring. I knew most of it anyway even with my messed up memory, but I did have a large room for improvement.

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