~*~ Broke and Up Chuck ~*~

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16th December 2009

Bailey’s POV

Just over a week ago I had got a job at the Mystic Grill. My Father had only left me a small sum of money in cash for me, and the rest I had to wait until I was eighteen to actually get. With my drug habit it meant that the money didn’t last as long as it probably should have. This meant that now I had to somehow earn money, and the Mystic Grill was probably the only place around here for a sixteen year old recovering drug addict could find work.

There were a couple of people from my school that worked here, but the only one I actually knew was Matt Donavon. I guess the work wasn’t that bad, just waiting tables and sometimes working at the bar. Enjoyment wasn’t really a word I could use to describe work, but it was tolerable and easy money.

It wasn’t like my social life was riveting so work didn’t get in the way at all. All I did was catch up on school work, and hang out with Jeremy, meaning I had a lot of spare time to earn money for necessities like food and water. No one that worked their knew about my situation, and I was almost certain I only got the job out of pity, but it didn’t matter as long as I could earn money.

Today was the last day of school before the Christmas holiday meaning I was going to Jeremy’s. Originally he wanted to come with me to get my stuff straight after school and then go back to his house. Instead I had to work, so I planned to go and get my stuff after work and then go to his house afterwards.

As my shift ended I said my goodbye to my co-workers who I didn’t really know at all, and they didn’t really know me either.

Once I left the Grill, I made my way down to the park where I hoped no one was near my stuff. Luckily no one was other than a man who was unconscious but I could still see him breathing, so I had no need to worry.

Quickly I grabbed my two bags and my blanket. Rather than being an idiot and carrying my blanket with me, I shoved it into the bag that had the least stuff in it before placing the heavier one on my shoulder, and carrying the lighter one in my hand.

I hoped they wouldn’t question me with why I brought this stuff with me, but that was all I had, and I could trust them being in the park for the whole holiday, so I had to bring it all.

When I reached Jeremy’s house I knocked on the door to see Elena open the door. I had never really spoken to Elena as she was never really home, but I knew her nevertheless.

“Hi Bailey,” She smiled.

“Hello Elena,” I smiled back.

She let me into her home before closing the door. I made my way by instinct into the kitchen, where I saw Stefan and Jenna. Jenna was stood by the stove, whilst Stefan was sat at the dining table. I kind of guessed that he’d be here. It wasn’t that I had anything against him, to be honest I didn’t know him really but it was just a guess that Elena would have him here, as they practically spent all of their time together.

“Hey Bailey, how was work?” Jenna questioned looking over from the pot of bubbling food.

It was kind of clear that I had been to work, whether Jeremy told her this or not. I had the dark blue t-shirt on that had a bright orange ‘Mystic Grill’ logo on the front and back.

“It was okay-“ I barely finished my sentence as I caught a whiff of Jenna’s cooking.

Granted she wasn’t the best cook in the world, but this wasn’t the worst cooking of her’s I’d smelt, just this time I felt physically sick.  

I could feel the bile rise up in my throat, as I dropped my two bags in the middle of the kitchen. It was clear I didn’t plan on throwing up in the kitchen, so I started up in a sprint towards the only bathroom in the house.

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