~*~ You Can't Handle the Truth ~*~

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26th December 2009

Bailey’s POV

Christmas went by without a hitch. What am I saying? The whole ordeal was a hitch of sorts. I spent most of the evening crying in Jeremy’s room, due to what I realised yesterday. I guess prior to the vomit incident, it was a pretty good Christmas, but after that, there wasn’t anything good to say about it.

As Matt and Bonnie had no one at home to go back to last night, they stayed the night, as Jenna didn’t want to let them stay in the house on their own. So as they stayed the night, I was in Elena’s room with Elena and Bonnie. Bonnie and I had Elena’s bed whilst Elena was on a blow up mattress. Matt on the other hand was in Jeremy’s room.

It was about seven am when Bonnie woke me up. I never thought I’d hate someone waking me up so much. It wasn’t Bonnie’s fault for having to wake me up. She just woke up before me, and we needed to go to the pharmacy.  It should really be her that is annoyed as it wasn’t for her why we were waking up early.

Bonnie had said that the Pharmacy opened at 7 o’clock meaning if we woke up when it opened we could get there early and hopefully no one would notice we had even left.

Once we got out of bed we both quickly got dressed and attempted to make ourselves look remotely presentable to go to the shop.

We made our way to Bonnie’s car, where she then drove us to the pharmacy.

If she didn’t offer I wouldn’t have asked her and I would have done it myself, but Bonnie offered to go into the shop to buy the tests.

Of course I asked whether she could do it for me, as she did offer. I couldn’t go into that shop and buy them. I couldn’t even fathom that I could be pregnant. If I walked into that shop and actually bought the pregnancy tests, it’d make the whole situation too real for me to cope with.

I had given Bonnie some money, not knowing how much a pregnancy test costs, as I have never had the need to buy one. Bonnie had said that she would buy a few tests just to make sure.

When she came back to the car she showed me the paper bag, which held five different branded pregnancy tests along with a receipt and some change.

The drive back to the Gilbert’s house was silent. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything after I thanked her. What could I say? And I’m guessing she felt as awkward as I did.

By the time we had gotten back to the Gilbert’s house it was already 8 o’clock. It didn’t feel like it’d been an hour since I had woken up, but to be honest it did feel like an eternity.

When we walked into the house Matt was sat on the stairs putting his shoes on.

“Where have you two been?” He questioned.

“We had to go get some girl stuff,” Bonnie stated knowing he wouldn’t ask any questions.

“Enough said. Bonnie are you ready to go? Elena’s already gone out and Jenna’s about to leave,” Matt chuckled.

“Sure,” Bonnie nodded, “Bailey I’ll speak to you later.”

She leaned in to hug me before whispering in my ear ‘good luck’.

Bonnie and Matt said goodbye, before Jenna followed them out, going out somewhere with Alaric, whilst Elena had already gone somewhere with Stefan.

As soon as I closed the front door I made my way straight up to the bathroom. Locking the doors, I sat down on the toilet lid. I read the instructions on all five boxes before following them. All of them had to be left for two minutes to get the result.

I laid the five tests on the side of the sink waiting for them to tell me whether I was pregnant or not. Whilst I waited I flushed the toilet, before pacing up and down the bathroom. During my continuous passing I could feel the tears building up in my eyes until they erupted, falling down my cheeks.

Never had I expected to be put into this situation, especially at only sixteen. My pacing became more erratic.

Suddenly a knock came from the door which made me freeze in the middle of the bathroom.

“Bailey, are you alright? I can hear you crying,” Jeremy called.

“I’m…I’m fine,” I sobbed.

“No you’re not. Bailey what’s wrong?” He sighed.

“Nothing, I’m fine Jer,” I stated trying to make sure my voice wasn’t as shaky.

He sighed once again. He wasn’t buying my, ‘I’m fine‘ argument. It wasn’t the most convincing argument but I just wanted to be alone and find out the answer of these tests.

I could hear the door handle begin to jiggle but the door was locked so he couldn’t get in, so that was fine.

Looking over at the tests I could see that they hadn’t showed any results so far, seen as it hadn’t been two minutes.

Within moments of the first handle making noises another one of the handles make a noise before the door opened. Well done Bailey, you forgot to lock one of the doors.

I could see his eyes shoot over to the pregnancy tests which he walked straight to.

“What are these Bailey? Are you pregnant?” Jeremy questioned.

Looking over at the tests they all showed the retched two blue lines. I took a deep breath closing my eyes. I had no choice but to talk to him about it now.

“Looks like I am Jer. I’ve been waiting for them to show the results and looks like you’ve just shown me,” I frowned.

“I thought we were dating Bailey, obviously not,” He retorted.

“I thought I was being stupid in thinking that we were dating. It’s not like we were ever official, but either way, I’m still pregnant,” I shrugged.

“Well obviously you didn’t feel that way as you are now pregnant with someone else’s child,” He said in a stern tone.

I tried not to let any more tears fall. How could he think so negatively of me?

“Jeremy it’s not someone else’s baby. It is yours, I haven’t been with anyone since you,” I whispered.

“Now you’re just being cliché. You’re not going to say next, that of course it’s mine because you lost your virginity to me and would never be with anyone else,” He snorted.

“No Jer. I was with someone before you. Yep, I didn’t lose my virginity to you, but there is no way it is his. It has to be yours Jer. I honestly can’t force you to want to still be with me or help your child if I am actually pregnant, but I’d like you to at least believe me when I tell you that it is yours,” I smiled weakly.

He sighed pulling me into a hug allowing me to sob onto his shirt.

“Who were you with before me?” He whispered.

“Tyler Lockwood,” As I said his name Jeremy frowned, “Don’t give me that look, I was very much upset and in a deep pit of despair. I felt and I feel nothing for him. He is an arrogant arse who I regret every moment I spent with him. He used me and I feel stupid but he used me for sex and ditched me as soon as I put out.”

He hugged me tighter kissing my hair. It was kind of sweet that he was still being so kind to me even though he knew all of this about me.

“And if we’re being completely honest here, my aunt doesn’t exist. I have no family alive, I live on my own. You can’t tell anyone though. Everyone thinks I am living with my aunt,” I whispered.

He wasn’t too impressed first of all but with a little persuasion he nodded understanding that if he told anyone I could be moved across the country to be put in a foster home, meaning he would never be able to see me, or the baby (if it actually existed) again.

“Bailey. I am so sorry for how I treated you. Whether we have this child, or this is just a scare, I will always be there for you, for anything you ever need in life,” He smiled hugging me once again.

“Thank you.”

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