~*~ Lockwood vs. Gilbert ~*~

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31st December 2009

Bailey’s POV

For some reason Jeremy decided that going to the Lockwood’s New Year’s Eve party would be smart. It was clear that his hopes of having a good evening and avoiding confrontation with Tyler, but knowing my luck it wouldn’t work. Tyler found every way he could to destroy my life, in undermining me and making me seem completely inferior to the rest of the human race. Granted with what I had done since my Father’s death I did put myself in the stance of an inferior being but, I didn’t want that, even if my view of myself wasn’t great I knew I wasn’t inferior to everyone else.

Jeremy had got Elena to lend me a dress, seen as we were pretty much the same size. I didn’t really like the dress, but it’d do to go to this party in. The dress was a beige colour that stopped just above my knee. It looked formal but also could pull off a New Year’s Eve party, which probably would be quite formal if it was held at the Mayor’s home.

I knew that pretty much the whole town was going to the party, meaning Jenna and Elena were going, and Bonnie was probably going too. It made me feel a bit better having people there that I knew, although I knew everyone just no one knew me.

As the afternoon rolled by, Jenna drove the four of us to the Lockwood mansion. As expected, as we pulled up to the house we all dispersed. Even Jeremy disappeared into the crowds to find us drinks, whilst Elena and Jenna had gone elsewhere.

Wandering aimlessly I ended up in the back garden, where most people were, although there was a secluded section of the garden at the back that held a simple bench under a tree, with no one around it. Being the loner I like to be, I made my way to the bench and sat down on it, knowing Jeremy would see me if he came outside looking for me.

Sadly everyone at the party that could want to talk to me could see me here, and I didn’t mind as no one did want to talk to me, sadly there was one person who did and they found me straight away.

“So what is little Bailey doing sat on her own at my party?” He smirked taking a seat next to me.

“I’m waiting for Jeremy and avoiding you, but it looks like I’ve done a bad job of that,” I frowned.

“Well whilst you’re waiting for him, why don’t we go upstairs and have a little fun?” He stated with his smirk still on his face, as he leaned in closer to me.

“Back off Tyler, ever spending time with you was a complete mistake. Now I am in the right state of mind, I’ve realised you aren’t someone I want to spend time with,” I hissed as I tried to move away from him.

I stood up attempting to make my way back into the crowd, but he gripped onto my arm digging his fingers into my skin. Trying to fight away from him he just increased the pain he inflicted on me.

“Do you think you’re better than me Tanner? You are nothing but a drug addict and a whore; you are the same as Vicki Donavon. Do the only thing you’re good at and come upstairs,” He growled leaning in to kiss me.

I tried to fight from his grip but it didn’t work. As I prepared myself mentally for his lips to touch mine, I closed my eyes. I waited still thrashing in his grip but his lips never touched mine and his grip released my arm.

Opening my eyes I saw Tyler standing a few feet in front of me rubbing his shoulder with Jeremy stood next to me.

“What do you think you are doing Lockwood?” Jeremy hissed pushing Tyler’s chest.

“Didn’t you know your girl got with me before she got with you? Not only did Vicki come to me but so did Bailey, you just can’t trust drug addicts,” Tyler smirked.

Jeremy stepped towards him again pushing him once again, just this time Tyler pushed him back.

Two people came and joined us, although I’m sure we had gained the attention of a lot of the people at the party.

“Are you okay Bailey?” Caroline asked softly, resting her hand on my upper arm.

“I’m fine,” I sighed looking down at the red hand mark on my arm that was sore.

Whilst Caroline checked on me, Matt stopped Tyler and Jeremy from fighting. They didn’t really fight for long, but as Tyler walked away and Jeremy turned around, it was clear they both got at least one good hit on each other.

“What was that about?” Matt asked at a general question.

“Tyler is an arse,” Jeremy stated.

“He used me after the death of my Father, in the same way he did your sister. I fell for him pretending to care about me, and he thought I’d still fall for it, which I didn’t,” I stated with a small shrug.

Matt and Caroline made sure I was okay, before they made their way back to the party.

“Thank you for standing up for me,” I smiled softly to Jeremy.

“You’re welcome Bailey. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, and you aren’t anything he said Bailey, you are so much better than him,” he smiled back.

“I know Jer. I was stupid, and I definitely ended up better than he did, I’ve got you, and who does he have? But let’s forget about it, and get you cleaned up,” I chuckled taking his hand in mine and leading him indoors.

We walked upstairs to the bathroom where I presumed there would be a first aid kit, or at least some tissue and water, to clean up the blood on his lip. Entering the bathroom I closed the door behind us locking it.

I told him to sit down on the work surface, whilst I rummaged through the cupboards. I found some wipes in a first aid kit, that I knew would probably hurt him, but it’d be more sanitary than using toiler roll.

“This’ll sting a bit,” I stated putting the wipe onto the blood. As I rubbed it over the cut, cleaning up the blood, he jumped away from me.

“Ow,” He frowned.

I chuckled finishing cleaning the blood before putting the wipe into the bin.

“There all done,” I smiled softly.

“Do you want to kiss it better?” He smirked.

I let out another chuckle before leaning in and kissing him. The kiss didn’t last long, before we made our way downstairs and back to the party.

We spent most of the party avoiding Tyler and talking to his friends, who I guess I could class as my own friends now.

As it neared to midnight the Mayor got onto stage talking about how proud he was of the year we had experienced as a town. He also told us we had a minute left before the New Year, turning on the projector that projected the countdown on his house.

With that we all began to talk amongst ourselves for the next 50 seconds before we had to join in with the countdown.

“Bailey, I am so glad I met you,” Jeremy smiled.

“I’m glad I met you too Jer,” I smiled in return not knowing where this was coming from.

“I know we’ve kind of been together for a couple of months, but I thought I’d make it official. Bailey do you want to be my girlfriend?” He questioned with a soft smile on his face.

I just presumed we were dating anyway, but I guess it was nice to be asked to be officially together, not that we would be the IT couple at school, which were the only people who actually needed to be officially together. It wasn’t as if anyone was judging us for being together and him not asking me to be his girlfriend, although we had a lot more to be worried about being judged on.

“Of course,” I smiled biting my lip.

Everyone began to say the countdown but we didn’t join in. As everyone said one, Jeremy leaned in kissing me whilst fireworks erupted in the sky around us. 

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