Chapter 7

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9th November 1963


Kennedy’s Bedroom


Jackie was sitting on the bed with tears rolling down her face. It was three months today since they’d lost Patrick.

She tried to compose herself when she heard Jack coming in but she couldn’t. Jack knew exactly what today was and he’d been annoyed he couldn’t have been here to look after Jackie; instead he had been in New York on business.

“Jackie, it’s okay.” Jack whispered as he pulled her into his body.

“No Jack it’s not okay, he didn’t deserve to die.”

“I know kid, but he’s with Arabella, Joe and Kick and Grandpa Jack watching over us and looking out for us Jackie.”

“I know Jack, it just wasn’t fair, I never even got to hold him, all I ever got told was that he had my eyes and a lot of hair.”

“Jackie if I showed you something will you promise not to become hysterical or angry at me that I didn’t show you this sooner.”

Jackie nodded timidly as she wiped her eyes.

Jack got up and opened his dresser drawer and took out a small box. He handed it to Jackie. The lid of the box read “First Curl”

She shakily opened the box to find a small chunk of soft dark brown hair. It was exactly as she’d remembered when she saw him fleetingly before he left for Boston.

“Oh Jack.” Jackie began to sob.

Jack hugged her tightly. “I told you, he had your hair.”

Jackie smiled. “Why didn’t you show me it before now?”

“I…I haven’t had the courage to look at it.”

She carefully handed him back the box, he gingerly put it back in the drawer.

“Why don’t we go to bed?” Jack suggested. “It’s been a long day.”

Jackie nodded and stood up. “Hand me your shirt.”


“I want to sleep in it.”

Jack did as she asked. “Why?”

“It’s soft and cosy.” Jackie replied as she slipped into it. She then got into bed.

Jack soon crawled in beside her and cuddled in. He kissed her cheek. “Night kid.”

“Night bunny, love you.”

“Love you too.”

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