Chapter 10

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Friday 22nd November 1963

The Pool


Jackie was sitting with her legs dangling in the pool, while Jack floated on a lilo. He was quite relaxed with his sunglasses on and a book in his hand.

“It’s so warm.” Jackie said.

“I know but it’s nice.”

“How’s your book?”

“It’s good; it’s been ages since I’ve read a fiction novel.”

“It’s been ages since I’ve seen you like this.” Jackie replied.

“Like what?” Jack asked looking over the top of his glasses.

“So relaxed, happy, no president, no role model just Jack.”

“Well you’ve been very Jackie.” Jack laughed.

Jackie jumped in and swam over to him. She then attempted to climb on. “Jackie what the hell are you doing? This is never going to end well!” Jack exclaimed.

Jackie was laughing hysterically when the lilo flipped upside down. Jack’s book went flying and luckily landed by one of the loungers and not in the water.

When Jack and Jackie surfaced they were laughing uncontrollably.

It took them a few seconds to register that Clint, Roy and Jerry were standing talking into their radios.

“Yes we have a secure location from Lancer and Lace; I repeat Lancer and Lace are secure. Check security of Lyric and Lark, over.”

“No word on Victoria or Velvet as of yet.” Clint said.

Jack knew Lyric and Lark were Caroline and John and that Victoria and Velvet were the Johnsons.

“Guys what’s going on?” Jack asked getting out of the pool.

“Shots were fired at the Vice President.”

Jack stood shocked, he felt numb when he felt Jackie’s hand on his back.

“Is…is he okay?”

“We don’t know sir, but we can assume the shots were possibly meant for you.”

Jack nodded.

“Is Ladybird and the Governor alright?” Jackie asked.

“We don’t, we’re trying to get information but it’s really hard to get in contact with their agents.”

Jack felt physically sick, he’d pulled out. Johnson said he’d go and now look what happened. Jack walked away in to the house with agents following close behind. Jackie stood outside shaking.

“Mrs Kennedy are you okay?” Clint asked.


Clint nodded. “Why don’t you go join the President?”

Jackie stood up and nodded slightly. She then headed for the house.

Both Jack and Jackie felt numb; it could have been them in that motorcade.

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