Chapter 14

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24th August 1964

GW Hospital

Jack was sitting in the waiting room. He was fidgeting with his button on his jacket. He just hoped Jackie and the baby were going to be okay.

She’d been in labour for 12 hours already and Jack had been there the whole time, pacing, fidgeting and worrying.

Eventually a nurse walked into the room with a smile on her face. “Congratulations Mr President, you are now the father of a very beautiful daughter.”

Jack relaxed. “Is my wife okay?”

“Mrs Kennedy is fine in fact she’s doing really well.”

“Is my daughter okay?”

“Everything’s fine and working well, would you like to meet her?” The nurse asked.

Jack nodded and followed the nurse. She stopped outside Jackie’s room. “She’s in there.”

“Thank you.”

The nurse smiled before walking off.

Jack walked in quietly. Jackie was lying asleep on the bed. She looked tired but beautiful.

He crept over to where his new born daughter lay and gently picked her up. She began to gargle. Jack smiled softly as she wrapped her hand around his finger. “Hello Kick, I’m your Daddy and I’m going to take care of you forever.” Jack whispered.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she Jack?” Jackie said in her breathy voice.

Jack turned round startled but smiled when he saw his wife. “She sure is, she has your eyes.”

“She has your nose.” Jackie teased.

Jack gently placed Kick in Jackie’s arm before putting his arm round Jackie. Kick quickly fell asleep.

“She’s adorable.” Jack whispered.

“She’s ours Jack and we’re going to love her forever.”

Jack leaned in and kissed Jackie’s lips passionately.

“I love you Jack.” Jackie said as she looked into his green eyes. “For all eternity.”

Jack kissed her forehead and gently slipped his finger into Kick’s hand. “I love you too for all eternity.” Jack replied.

A smile spread across her face, she gently placed her hand on Jack’s cheek. He moved his head towards her and they kissed so tenderly, they had to pull back for breath.

The last year had been hell but life was finally beginning to look up Jack thought as he watched his beautiful new daughter and his equally as beautiful wife.  


Thank you for reading :)

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