Chapter 9

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Thursday 21st November 1963

The Presidential Suite

Jackie was lying with her head on Jack’s chest. He was breathing heavily. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Jack panted. “You just know how to wear a man down.”

Jackie giggled. “So you liked your early morning surprise?”

“I loved it.”

Jackie laughed as she kissed his hand.

Once they were washed and had breakfast they headed down to the beach. Jack had a pair of swimming trunks on with a t-shirt. Jackie was wearing sandals with a black bikini and a robe on top as they walked to the beach.

When they found a nice spot to sit Jackie put the umbrella up. They’d brought a picnic with them. Yesterday they’d been to the spa and had went a swim and watched a film.

“Jackie I’m going to swim.” Jack said pulling his shirt off.

“Ok, I’ll just lie here.”

Jack grinned before jumping in the sea. He swam out a bit, it was nice. The water was cool against his face it eased him.

After ten minutes or so he swam back to shore. Jackie was lying sunbathing.

He wrapped the towel round his shoulders and lay down. His trunks would dry quickly in the heat. “Jack?”

“Yes kid?”

“Can you put some sunscreen on my back?” Jackie asked.

“Of course.”

Jack put some on his hand and began rubbing it on Jackie’s back. She was lying on her front so he unclipped her bikini top.

Jackie looked up and smiled at him. “Behave yourself.”

“I am, for now.”

Jackie rolled her eyes.

“Maybe you should sun bath topless.” Jack teased.

“Get a grip Jack! The secret service will see.”

“I’ll get rid of them.” Jack said getting to his feet. He went over to Jerry and Clint who were standing further up the beach.

Jackie watched as her husband spent a good five minutes talking and trying to reason with the secret service. As he walked back he grinned and the secret service went away.

“So?” Jackie asked as she sat up.

“They agreed to give us two hours unsupervised.”

“Great I feel like a kid.”

Jack laughed as he sat down. “Do you want me to help you with your top?”

“I suppose since you managed to get the secret service to leave.”

Jack giggled as he helped her.

She soon lay down on her front. Much to her surprise Jack moved closer to her and started nuzzling her neck and kissing her lightly.

“What are you doing?” Jackie asked looking up from her book.

“Just thinking how much I love you and your body.”

“Are you being serious? You want to do it here?” Jackie exclaimed.

“Maybe.” Jack grinned.

“I don’t want out child to be conceived on a beach.”

“And Caroline wasn’t?”


“Come on it’ll be fun, how often do we get privacy like this?”

“I suppose.”

Jackie could see the passion in his eyes, she wanted to too but she wasn’t going to let Jack know that.

He began kissing her, but Jackie responded with such passion he pulled back. “You were teasing me all along weren’t you?”

“Of course I was Jack.” Jackie laughed.

He kissed her again.

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