Chapter 11

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When Jackie caught up with her husband he was sitting on the sofa with his head leaning on his hands. She sat down beside him and placed her hand on his knee and rubbed his back. Jack had tears glistening in his eyes.


“What if he dies?” Jack asked quietly.

“Don’t think like that.”

A tear slowly ran down Jack’s cheek. Jackie knew this was going to affect him badly.

They sat in silence for a few minutes until an agent burst in and put the TV on. “Sir you need to see this.”

Jack was watching Walter Cronkite. “From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, Vice President Johnson died at 1pm central standard time, 2:00 eastern standard time, some 38 minutes ago.”

“Shit.” Jack muttered.

Jackie was staring in shock at the TV as Cronkite tried to regain composure.

He stood up and chucked the cushion on the floor. “Damnit!”

“What about the Governor?” Jack asked hoarsely.

“He was wounded badly.” The agent said.

“God sake.”

Jack walked quickly from the room and outside. He was standing leaning against one of the pillars staring into space when Jackie quietly came out.


It took him a few minutes to register that Jackie was talking to him. “Yeah?”

“We should go back to DC let the people know you’re in control of the situation.”

Jack nodded slowly.  “I want to release a statement first.”

“Go phone Pierre.”

Jack walked into the house to the phone while Jackie went to pack.

“Hello Pierre?”

“Mr President I just got back.” Pierre said.

“Ok, write this down I want you to release it while I’m on my way back.”

“Go ahead.”

“My fellow citizens tonight I’m deeply saddened by the loss of Vice President Johnson, he was a good man who cared deeply for the people of America, he will be missed hugely by not only his family but my family and administration. Tonight my wife and I send our thoughts to Mrs Johnson. I also want to send my deepest sympathy to Mrs Connelly and the wife of police officer J.D Tippit.”

“Ok Sir, I’ll release it.”

“See you soon.” Jack said before hanging up.

He and Jackie soon headed for Air Force One he couldn’t believe this had happened, it should have been him.   

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