Misconception: Asexuality does not exist (Part One)

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When she first told her friends she was asexual, she was inside a homemade apartment.

Homemade meaning no one knew what a home was supposed to look or feel like, so they improvised. The open space didn't consist of much, mainly a lot of art scattered across the grey wall (Mal was especially proud of the one on the far left, which was an image of all four of them with the words "Long Live Evil" spiraled underneath in sharp black letters). The rest was solely operated by makeshift gadgets, Carlos being the one to insist on the idea of a complicated door lock, so no one could steal anything.

Mal and Evie were the only ones with the ability to stay the night (and thus the only ones having beds) since Jay had to bring stolen items to his father and Carlos returned to his mother at 6 o'clock sharp. However, the rest of the time was spent doing the things normal teenagers would do (if they didn't have magic anyway). Stealing various supplies while causing the various amount of mischief always seemed to lighten their moods before returning here to stash away their newfound items. November 9th was much too cold to stay outside for long periods of time, so they indulge Carlos's wishes of playing an odd sort of card game. (Spoons, she remembers now). Evie's eyes followed Jay's hands as they shuffled the card deck, focusing her mind on the order of the cards so she wasn't worried about anything else.


Knowledge always comes at a price. She wishes she knew this before she had gotten interested in a conversation running through street corners.

When she heard Queen Elsa might be lesbian, she had to take a pause to digest the information. Firstly, because she thought the word "lesbian" was only used as an insult, but the people talking didn't seem to say it with the same fire as one. Secondly, because she thought princes only dated princesses.

This led to the question: What did the word mean? Evie hated the idea of not knowing something, so she left the conversation at her back, sliding her hand through Mal's arm with practiced ease as a plan formulated in her mind. She was going to find out.


Evie had never been one to steal things. People often gave her things as gifts, but she never stole unless she needed to. This was one of those times, as she grabbed a deck of cards from a vendor and slipped them into the pocket of the dress. She adjusted the pocket slightly, hiding the card deck from view as she followed her teammates back to Maleficent castle.

If anyone saw her, they didn't say a word.


One card deck was all it took to get access to the library after hours from Dr. Facilier. Columns of books burned her fingertips as she traced their titles, torn momentarily between reading the multiple fairy tales littering the shelves or finding the book she was looking for. She ended up choosing the later and quick-walked her way through the aisles. She only had 15 minutes after all.

The book was found in the top corner of the Magic section, small and dusty from lack of use. Evie pulled the book from its grave and blew the dust off the top, surprised by the lack of a title on the front. It was only after she opened the book did she discover it was exactly she has been looking for.

She took the book under her jacket sleeve as she left.


The book was named "Common Ground" and had various authors. Evie could tell by the changes in speaking, as she took it out in the dead of night 10 days later to read another chapter. Today's chapter was produced by translating the chapter from Morse code (she didn't dare ask Carlos to translate). It was a grueling process, but she had always liked the idea of boosting her intelligence. Blue pen underlined the topic of the chapter in her notes:

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