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"Those are some of the ones I've received," she finishes, "Obviously, there are so many more insults and discrepancies you will get, simply because of your heritage. The most important thing, I think, is to understand that that no one can tell you who you are except you. Trust me when I say it's so hard to find yourself, but I promise you it's worth it."

Icarus nods slightly as he tries to take it in, his wings stretching out a little to catch the wind swirling around them before settling back down on his back. He nods again when he seems to finally get it and whispers a thank you before turning his head back towards the ground and probably trying to find a way to get away from this conversation.

"You think I'm missing something important," she stated shortly, watching him jump slightly in surprise, "Care to share with the class?"

"I don't think people won't believe me when I say I'm ace because they don't understand what it means, " Icarus said softly as he shifts his weight from his toes to his heels, "I think they won't believe me because I'm a guy,"

Evie tilts her head in confusion, doing her best not to frown as he watches him try to collect his thoughts from the air. Some childhood habits remain, even after almost a year of not seeing her mother in the flesh. 

"When a girl says she doesn't want to have sex, people generally believe her.  If I were to say the same thing, they tend to think that I'm just messing around with them or that I must not like them anymore. I tend to believe the same thing applies to sexual attraction."

"I don't really know how to help with getting other people to believe in your truth," Evie replies, trying to remain as honest as possible for her possible new friend, "because, at the end of the day, people will believe what they want to believe. But I like to think that even you being here is a good first step towards that,"

Evie has more to stay, but she soon forgets it as a loud scream runs across the area, making both parties jump at the sound. One party more than another, but she decides not to comment on the intensity of his reaction. She would rather focus on helping him get comfortable here. 

"Hey,"  Evie said, wiggling her fingers in front of his face to regain his attention, " You can stay with my friends and I today if you want. Would this make you feel safer?" She waits for his nod before calling out for her friends. He nods softly in response, but seems to be rethinking that decision the moment his eyes meet Mal's. They widen a little bit as he retreats almost instantly into the shell of his mind, though an icy mist curling his fists  would say otherwise as he shakes out his fingers to disperse it.

However, his attention on Mal meant that he didn't see anyone else approach, so the appearance of Carlos and Jay took him by surprise.

"Cool wings" Jay comments as he saunters over from behind and claps Icarus on the shoulder before turning his gaze to Evie, "Who's this?"

Evie notices the slight wince Icarus makes as he works his shoulders before turning his gaze back to the conversation at hand. She makes a mental note to pick up a med kit later, betting a large sum of Auradon money in her mind that Icarus has ice burns all over his body from his father's grasp. He's recovering just like the rest of them.

"This is Icarus. Do you guys mind if he just hangs out with us today?"

Mal's slides over the other boys figure, making sure he wasn't a threat, before giving the affirmative okay and waiting for the boys to give their responses. Carlos gives them a thumbs up in response before introducing himself, pointing to various loud and electronic objects,and telling Icarus what they did. Jay just grins and stuffs a chocolate covered strawberry in his mouth, so everyone else ends up taking that as an affirmative and begin moving towards the outskirts of the stage.

She's answering a text from Doug when Mal grabs her by the arm and whispers, "What's his parentage again?"

"Tridart, the Despair," she replies absently as she begins to type out their location.

"How that even happened is beyond me," Mal murmured, the pair watching Icarus cringe at the loud, pop music that screeched over the speakers, "wasn't he destroyed when C.H.Y.K.N. was reformed?"

"Didn't your mom die when she got stabbed in the heart and fell off a cliff? Some things just happen." Evie responded, shrugging as she watched Carlos try to hack the sound system from his phone and yell at Jay to try and figure out what music the boy wanted. taking in the loud music, letting it wash over her now as she turned to enjoy the rest of what Pride had to offer.

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