Misconception: Asexuals can't have children

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"I have another question," Carlos said, stuffing more chocolate in his mouth than he could currently handle, "about your sexuality."

Carlos hadn't asked questions when she came out to him. Despite his lack of physical ability, he did his best to protect her through his intelligence, leaving science-based pranks in the rooms and lockers of those daring to hurt Evie. Usually it was multicolored gunk rained from their lockers or sprays bottled as they passed or glow-in-the-dark ink. As time went on though, more questions would come to his head and he would ask them when he deemed it appropriate, like now, when only Mal and Jay were in the boys' room playing a video game and there was food to snack on. Evie smiled around her blue lollipop and waved her hand for him to continue, leaning back on the pillows of Carlos's bed as he carefully closed his laptop and set it on the desk besides him.

"When we were younger, you would always say you wanted kids. That was the plan you had for yourself for as long as I've known you. Grow up, be as close to perfect as you can, get married to a Prince, and have kids," he explained, grabbing a couple pieces of chocolate from the bowl on his desk before leaning back to lay next to her. His fingers worked on one of  the wrappers as he continued his thoughts. 

"I'm happy most of those things have been reinvented, for a lack of a better word, I can't help but wonder how you're going to have your own kids when you're ready if you don't have sex," he finished, popping the piece of chocolate in his mouth before turning to look at her. The trash was pushed into his pocket as he began to work on the next one. 

"I think the first thing I knew right off the bat was I would not have sex, even if it was to have kids," she starts, allowing the lollipop to roll between her fingers as she voiced her train of thought, "and I also don't like the idea of being pregnant because I want to work and do things without constantly worrying about the baby on the way."

By now, Mal had paused the game and put down the game controller to walk over to take a seat next to Evie, sensing there was a serious conversation at hand as she climbed onto the side of Carlos's bed. She placed her foot on the ridge of the bed, unlaces her shoes, and maneuvers herself into a criss-crossed position as Jay groaned something along the lines of 'why did I agree to joining girl talk' before laying out on the floor in front of the bed and stuffing his face with chips.

"This leaves me with surrogacy and adoption, neither of which I'll have the money to pay for if Evie 4 Hearts doesn't take off. I mean, we have no clue what will happen to us once we leave Auradon Prep. It's not like we have a grand castle to stay in or a job waiting hand and foot for us."

It was tough subject to talk about, after Auradon Prep. For them, it was the only loving home they had and they honestly had no solid plan of what Auradon would do with them after they graduate.

For Jay, the idea was to get a scholarship to college for tourney and run from there. For Carlos, he's counting on an academic scholarship to get him his Associates of Science for Mechanical Engineering. For Evie, she's thinking about majoring in Business and Fashion, possibly with a minor in Chemistry if she's up for it. Mal doesn't know where she's going, but that's okay because she has plenty of time to figure it out since she's the King's boyfriend. She told them once she might take a Public Speaking class  or major in Law so she can figure out more ways to get innocent kids off the Isle. However, this also means they would all have to go their separate ways and no one is quite ready for that yet.

"Despite this, I think I would choose adoption. I don't like the idea taking the time, money, and energy into having a baby only to be away to the rest of the pregnancy process. I would rather have the better feeling of taking a child who their parents could not care for and placing them in a happier environment."

Carlos nods, giving a thumbs up as a motion of support since his body subconsciously tried to find out how much candy he could fit into his mouth, making it too full to verbally respond. He barely gets the chance to swallow it before Jay sweeps him off the couch and plants him on the floor. The pair begins to wrestle as Evie put her lollipop back in her mouth and pulled out her earphones. Mal moved to take Carlos's place besides her as they listened to Evie's new song playlist, leaving whatever else the conversation could have become up to popular opinion.

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