Misconception: Asexuality is a choice

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Evie sat in front of the floor-length mirror, breathing in and out to calm her nerves. Black nails curled into the leather of her jacket while she straightens it to perfection and throws her shoulders behind her, just like any other person does when they have something important to say. 

She had something important to say to her mother today.

The Evil Queen has always wanted her daughter to be noticed, by a prince no doubt. So, she has her daughter practice her charms on the locals, letting them draw in close to the light and burn in Evie's flames. However, as much as it helped her friends gain supplies, she didn't like the idea of fooling people into providing for her every need, thinking they will get something out of it only to never come close. 

Starting with her mother, which was a dangerous task for more reasons than one, but she was willing to do it. It just felt like something she needed to do.

The search for her mother was a treacherous one, jumping five feet back every time she heard a tap on the hardwood floor or nails scratching the cobblestone walls. High heels clicked in rapid succession as she scanned the rooms, wanting to complete her task before she ran out of nerve. Her nerve had been fading for over 5 minutes now as fear crept back into her bones. 

It was at this point she realized just how much her mother's opinion mattered.  Besides the fact that she is one of the strongest people on the Isle, she was also the only parental figure she had. The person who taught her how to put on makeup, give her all her hearts desires, and act like a princess.  That isn't to say she was perfect, but she needed her. 

She needed her to care about her because she isn't sure who else would.

The place where her mother resided was labeled as the Hall of Mirrors when she was 10, for obvious reasons. Rows of mirrors covered both sides of the walls and, though rusty from overuse, served their purpose well enough to have them hanged here. Her mother often spent much of her transitioning time here, whether it was to continue an evil scheme or to go find Evie. The queen always has to look perfect it seems as her mother leans into one of them to cover the wrinkles lining her face. The blue bag she seemed to always carry sat on the table underneath it, keeping the candleholder company. 

Evie drops to curtsy besides a sweep of black and gold robes, waiting for her mother's nod before going to speak. If there was any time to back out of a plan, this would have been the time.  However, if there is one thing villains are known for, it's following through with their plans. Even when it leads to disaster. 

"Mother, there has been something I have been wishing to speak to about," Evie spoke calmly, watching her mother's movement with a practiced wariness. This wasn't a subject to be approached if her mother was already angry. Her mother motioned for her to continue as she continued to look in the mirror.

Deeming it safe territory, she begins with "You have been asking me to practice on the boys here so I can get a prince when I get to Auradon."

The mother chuckled good-naturedly as she continued her ministrations, "A plan that has been working exceptionally thus far, I hear."

Evie almost preens at the sound of approval laced in her mother's voice before remembering the purpose of the conversation. She shifts her weight slightly, checking the color on her nails so she can forego looking at her mother's face. Looking at her mother's face was never the best idea when she challenges her mother's opinion. She didn't need a potion or magic to deceive a person. Her words did the job practically perfect.

"But it's not something I want," Evie finishes calmly as she presses her thumb and index finger together. If she could stop her hands from shaking, Evie would look normal.  

Evie hides her stare behind the tips of her lashes, waiting for a reaction. The only one she receives is a look of forced neutrality as she turns to look at her daughter through the mirror. The Evil Queen purses her lips slightly as she begins her silent warfare on Evie's mind. 

 "Do you not want a prince?"

The quick snap of Evie's head and the widening of her eyes should be enough of an answer to that statement.  Doesn't every princess need a prince? A person who will give them everything they need in this world? Evie shook her head slightly to rid herself of these thoughts. Thinking was for later. Right now, she had to stop the avalanche of disapproval coming her way. 

"Of course," Evie says, noting her mother's relaxing form before continuing, "I just don't want to have sex."

Her mother's eyes narrow in the mirror, not quite understanding as Evie walks around her to use the mirror next to her. It wouldn't help her case if she looked anything less than perfection. As she finishes pushing a strand of blue hair in its rightful place behind her ear, she turns back to face her mother.

"I'm asexual," Evie supplies as her mother pauses to process before continuing to adjust her crown on her head.

She thought it would be easier to come out to her mother since she had already done it before and had an idea of what to expect. The truth of the matter is that it was almost harder because Evie needed her to be okay with this.  However, what a person needs and what they actually get are two separate things. Her mother's next sentence served as an example to this claim.

"A prince will most certainly want to have his own heir," her mother reminded her as she drew on her eyebrows, "and to remain satisfied."

"There are other ways to maintain an heir to the throne," Evie says as she fixes the chains on one of her leather gloves, "and I'm sure a prince can find other ways to keep himself satisfied". She would need to glue the mischievous piece of chain down later, assuming she survived this encounter.

There was a lull in the conversation then as mother and daughter turned to face each other. Evie's fingers tapped her sides as her mother's eyes trailed down her body, seeking for an imperfection. Finding none at the moment, she continued the conversation at hand.

"And if the prince denies those wishes?"

That question was dangerous territory. Evie paused, fingers tingling on the tips of her hair as she tried to decide the answer to that question. Its something she hopes she never to face, because princes are the other half to princesses. A perfect match, a soulmate. So, she would hope that her soulmate would accept her as she is. If he doesn't, then he obviously isn't her soulmate.

"I would rather have a dragon would respect me than a prince who does anything else."

Her mother nods silently for a moment before looking at the rows of mirrors lining the walls. Mirrors had always been one of her favorite things, but distorted mirrors projected a terrible image. That is what the Evil Queen saw as she looked the face of her daughter.

There is only one way to straighten it.

The Evil Queen wrapped her hands around a long-burned out candle holder and calmly swung it towards a nearby mirror. Evie stared blankly in shock before spinning on her heels and placing her head between her knees as the candle holder made its impact. The glass embedded itself in the sleeves of Evie's jacket and created a curve on the floor, signifying the point of impact. Evie slowly stood up and turned back to watching Evil Queen's still form. 

The glass hardly seemed to affect her as she dropped the candleholder on the floor, sending a clanging sound echoing through the hall. A frown marred the queen's features as she deliberated her next move.

"Asexuality is a choice," the queen seethed as she faced the eyes of her heir once more, "and should any prince decide he wants to court you of all people, you will do anything he likes."

Evie nods quickly as she scampers out of The Evil Queen's reach and into the purgatory outside the castle walls. She would clean up the glass later.

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