A Note from the Author

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Hey guys,

I hoped you liked reading Misconceptions: Asexuality. I had a lot of fun writing it and I learned so much. I also would like to thank you for your patience with this book because I hadn't put anything out in MONTHS, but here we are. 

Anyway, I know when people usually have Author's Note they thank a bunch of people, but I figured I would answers some questions first in case some people have other questions about the book.

1. How did this story come to be?

One day, I was on Google searching up LGBTIA+ memes and stuff and I came across one that said "i would never date an 'asexual' like you, what's the point in a relationship like that lol" and then went on to combat that statement. The original ended up bothering me so much, I wrote a section based off that image using Evie as my main character and Chad as my antagonist.  

It was then I realized how little I knew about asexuality, so I texted my resident asexual and asked them what they thought were some misconceptions about asexuality. The ones they stated along with the ones I found on the internet became the bare bones of this book. I continued to use them as a reference throughout the entire process. 

When I finished those chapters, I needed to save the book in Word, so I saved it as "Evie's Misconceptions". However, after I wrote the Introduction and Epilogue, I decided to change the name to Misconceptions: Asexuality because it wasn't about Evie really to me. It was about the situations she was put in. 

2. Why did you choose Evie as your asexual character rather than Mal or anyone else?

Well, I didn't want to go too far outside the plot line, so I needed a character who could both stand on their own and their relationships remained, in my mind, underdeveloped. Evie was just the first person to come to mind. 

You do see some fanfictions were Evie is bisexual and Mal is asexual (which are great stories). However, I didn't choose Mal because she has a developed relationship with somebody else and I don't think I could ever do her justice as a central character. (I don't think I really do Evie justice at the moment, though.)

As I look back on it, I could have also used the Hunters of Artemis or Raphael from the Shadowhunters series. However, I didn't think of this until the story was already in the editing process. So, I just let it go and decided to use them another day.

3. Why is Icarus even in this story when we only see him for two chapters?

When I was writing the prologue, I was trying to get out of writing an original character. I tried some openers when Evie was in a class doing a project or Doug was asking Evie about her asexuality at the fashion store she created, but I ended up just not thinking they were good enough or I had to stretch too far to actually get into the story. So, I decided to make it take place at Auradon Prep's first Pride where a boy would come up to Evie and ask her about it.

And this is how the prologue was born. 

I quietly combed through the boy characters in the series, waiting for a suitable one to use only to realize I had already used most of them. So I decided to come up with one of my own, which I was hesitant about because Max had warned me early on not to put original characters up on Wattpad unless you're okay with them being stolen.

Which I'm not okay with, but I made one anyway. His name was Soliel, the precusor to Icarus, becuase I wanted to use these giant wings I had found in the internet, so I looked for a long time to find a Disney Villain who had angel wings. Tridart, the Despair from W.I.T.C.H. ended up being the only one I found. 

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