Misconception: "There is no point in a relationship without sex."

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Evie almost sprinted down the hall to her locker, using every inch her body possessed to push her down the hall, the books in her bag jostling in her wake as she apologizes for hitting someone over her shoulder. She wanted to meet Mal at her Physiology class, so they could have lunch before going to Goodness 102. Mal would surely leave her if she was too late and Fairy Godmother just barely allowed the consumption of food in her classroom yesterday. She almost wishes she had the power to teleport to her destination rather than sidestep her way through these crowded halls she called home, but it truly doesn't matter either way.

She stopped to take in the view of the small courtyard in front of the lockers when she rounded the corner. The courtyard was beautiful during the spring, with its short green grass facing a light blue sky and star-crossed eyes making themselves comfortable on small blankets. It certainly seemed like something out of a fairy tale.

Snapping herself out it and rushing to her locker, she takes a pause to digest the idea of someone replacing her locker door with Chad Charming's presence. He leaned against the locker without a care in the world, throwing the apple in his grasp between his fingers with no intentions of eating it.

"Diablo" she hisses under her breath before putting a presentable look on her face and giving a short wave before gently moving him away from her metal cabinet, so she could open the door. It was silent for a moment before he spoke:

"What is the point of a relationship with you?" he asked.

Surprise was an understatement for her emotions at this given time. As much as she preferred her locker clean and organized, she had to completely pause and stare at him to fully digest his question. Curling her hand on the side frame of the locker door, the words "Excuse me?" ripped from her mouth and into the uncomfortable space between them.

"What is the point of a relationship with you? There's no sex like there should be with a girl like you. I don't know how Doug handles it," he explains, shaking his head in disbelief.

This wasn't a question she hadn't heard before. She's heard it a thousand times as she passes people with Cheshire Cat grins, thinking they finally found something to destroy her reputation. The Evil Queen herself had forced her to hide this part of herself. It was the fact he brought a totally innocent person to the problems at hand into a bad situation that forced Evie's hand to slam her locker slams shut as she attempted to avoid punching him in the nose. Her fingers curl into fists for a moment only to relax as brown eyes froze over like a lake after a cold winter's night.

"I don't know Chad," she rants as her voice dropping to a menacing level, "let's take a good relationship and subtract sex from the equation and see what we have left."

She holds up a gloved right hand in front of his face as Chad tries his best to focus on it. The rage almost fades away at the thought that he truly doesn't understand the point of a relationship and love itself the way she does. The idea of being the perfect showpiece is all that matters before the rage returns at the thought of how many people's hearts must have been shattered by the boy in front of her to obtain the image he has now. A prince far away from the likes of the common people.

"Commitment. Respect. Trust. Loyalty. Love," she states, raising one of her fingers after each in turn. She hits her hand on the wall with a bang, eyes never leaving his as poison drips from her lips.

"Now who would ever want a relationship like that?" she hums, tilting her head to the side as her hand falls to twist a strand of blue hair around it before pushing off the wall. She grabbed the apple in his hand, smiling devilishly as she waltzed down the hall.


This is the first piece I wrote for Misconception: Asexuality. I liked it too much to change it, which is why its a little different stylistically  than the other ones you've seen. 

Have a good day!

- Diana

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