Misconception: Asexuality is a Choice (Part 2)

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The walk of shame from The Evil Queen's castle to the hideout was the hardest. Evie held her head in the same way her mother always taught her, paying no mind to the glass stuck in her combat boots or the shakiness of her hands. People stared as she walked passed, assuming she had just won a fight rather than losing one. But those people assumed she was untouchable, maybe not even human. But the observant mind would have noticed the shakiness in her coy grin, the slight limp in which she walked, and the unusual amount of darkness in her eyes.

No one is untouchable, after all.

Besides the fact Evie Grimhilde never liked the feeling of losing something important. It rooted itself in her chest before spreading its way to her limbs, clouding her mind of all reasonable thought in favor of burning the image of her mother's face in her mind. A rock half-hardheartedly thrown at the sign skittered out of sight as she slipped through the cage doors and up the stairs to her safe haven. Once inside, her feet began dragged her over to the bed in favor of just laying there for a couple minutes face-down into the pillow, tears streaming down her face.

Evie wasn't naive enough to think that her mother loved her, but she never believed her mother would use physical harm as a punishment.

She staggering slightly after standing up, the green and red colors blurring all hopes of seeing for a couple moments, before making her way to the window. There wasn't much daylight on the Isle, but she brings her hands to over to the window, hoping to light up the shards of glass stuck in her fingers. A good idea would have been to wait til someone else got there, but she started the sticky process on her own, the red tears dripping down her fingers before using a cloth to stop the bleeding. Getting the little shards of glass of out her hair was much harder, since she couldn't see the top of the head, but she combed through it with a firm authority sighing slightly when pain raced across her fingertips for holding the comb too hard.

She was cleaning up the glass with an old witch's broom when Carlos walked in. He looked from the shards of glass, to the newly applied makeup, to the cuts on her hands and arms in rapid succession, trying to guess what happened before putting his bag on the floor and pulling out a pack of bandages.

"I got it from the Auradon shipment this morning," he supplied as he walked over," but I didn't think I would be needing it quite so soon."

He quietly took the broom from her hands before beginning to wrap up a deeper cut on her upper arm. Evie frowned at it, knowing she would have to cover it for the next couple days before turning to look at Carlos. He only shrugged in response, checking her for any larger cuts with his eyes while going to look for the dustpan.


Evie steps out her "room" a few minutes, turning full-circle to show off the blue shawl she created out of some tablecloth. Carlos clapped in appreciation before tapping the floor next to her, calling for Evie to sit next to him as he began sorting dried fruit, stale mini marshmallows, and nuts into a green bean can kept as a cup ages ago. He held his hand over the top and shook it a couple times before handing it over to her as she sat down, black leggings going away from him as she leaned on one of her hands. He was making another cup for himself when he suddenly stood up and raced back to his bookbag on the other side of the room, jumping around excitedly before running back with it.

"I was searching the Auradon boat for parts," he said, throwing various objects out of his book-bag, "when I found something that you just HAVE to see."

He ended up pulling out a dome-like object and gave to her to look at as he cleaned up his mess. The top face was a dark blue color white dots she supposed were supposed to resemble stars. Flipping the topside over, she used her nail to flip the tiny, black switch to the "on" position and held it away from her. It was silent for a couple moments, the pair holding their breaths waiting for something to occur only to be met with the same scenery as before. Evie gave a sad sound of disapproval before turning it back around again. She assumes it needed batteries, but that's something that almost never came to the Isle. Carlos, more likely than not, would sell it anyway. Evie traced her fingers along the faded paintings of stars, longing to see them the way they were supposed to, before black finger-gloves banged the sides a couple times until it coughed its way to life, casting flickering stars across the ceiling of the hideout.

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