Till Flowers Do Us Part (Carziger)

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No one likes a bad cough. It hurts your throat, sounds terrible, and sounds even worse to people nearby but what if instead of coughing up something in your throat you're coughing up flowers? I quickly throw up into a coughing fit, flowers flying over my room. Groaning I put my head back before going back to a fit of coughs. "Maxx..." Cody spoke softly, knocking on the door. I quickly shoved the flowers under my bed cover, mastering the courage to speak. "Y-Yeah?" I croaked, trying to keep my cough down. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked opening the door. I nodded. "It's just a cold," He gave me a glass of water. "You don't have a fever?" I shook my head as he held a hand to my head. "Are you actually okay?" "Y-Yeah," Cody sighed. "Get well soon," He kissed my forehead which I blushed at before covering my mouth with the bed covers and throwing up the flowers which I successfully hid. He looked at me concerned before sighing and leaving. I sighed in relief and burst into another fit as tears started to stain my cheeks.

Cody's POV
"He doesn't talk to me, Zach," "I know, dude," "I'm trying to help but there's nothing I can do," "Just continue caring," I sat down on the couch. "Do you know what's happening?" Zach was quiet. "You do know what's wrong with him!" I stood up. Zach's head move in a nod. "Does Dan know too?" Zach nodded again. "He's got hanahaki disease he has feelings for you but he's convinced it's one sided," My eyes widened and I sprinted upstairs to Maxx's room. "Maxx!" I cried as he stopped in the middle of coughing up flowers I bounced at him and planted a kiss on his lips. His cheeks reddened and his eyes joyfully watered. I slowly pulled away as he smiled. "Don't hide it from me please, I wanted to help and you knew how, tell me next time, okay?" He nodded before I wrapped my arms around him in a passionate embrace. "Thank you, my knight in shining armour."

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