Together Forever (Cody Carson X Reader)

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This is on my other oneshots but thought to post it here
No one acknowledges the outcast that's rumoured to be a psychopath. Cody Carson believed to kill people for the one he loves. Rumours say he killed his parents and sister so he could be with his love forever without getting in trouble. People say he's in love with (Y/N) but he's the lone wolf and no one wants to be murdered.

"(Male schoolmate/coworker) went missing too," Said (B/F). "Just great! Why is everyone disappearing?" "I wish I knew, I would say Cody did something but I don't wanna encourage the gossip when there's no evidence," "Me neither, Cody is kinda mysterious though," "Little bit," (B/F) and
(Y/N) continued chatting till they...

You woke up in an unfamiliar bed, wondering what happened. With curiosity filling your mind you got up and decided to get out of the mysterious room. A quiet gasp left your lips when you noticed (B/F) held in someone's arms with a knife to (F/P) neck. "(Y/N) they were right, the rumours," "Shut up!" "Don't! Please..." The fawn haired boy looked up to meet your eyes. "C-Cody..." His Grinch-like smile poked out, showing off his teeth. He slit (B/F) throat, not enough for death but enough to draw blood and pain. "Don't come any closer (Y/N)..." Noticing you had to get the hell outta there as well as your friend you inched closer but so did the knife tip that touched (B/F) neck. "Don't make me do it, (Y/N)," "Then don't do it, I'm right here for you to kill," He snickered. "I wouldn't even think of hurting you but if you don't listen I will," "What do you want from me?" "That's exactly what I want, you. You and me alone, so the only way for that is-" He dug the knife deeply into (B/F) neck. "-if I kill the ones you love," Shaking your head wishing this was a dream your ran pass him, down the stairs and out the front door.
"(Y/N)!!" Fear creeped up your spine and neck and quickly into your brain your legs moved faster and soon enough you were running on the other side of the cul de sac. The rumbling sound of a motorcycle filled your ear canal but ran as fast as you could anyways. The thundering motorbike got louder and you were quickly snatched by Cody. "No..." You repeatedly mumbled under your breath. "Please no, Cody," "You ran from me, so now your...-"

You slowly blinked awake lying in a recognizable bed as arms wrapped around your waist. "Morning darling..." Mumbled the family-less, blue-eyed, blonde fawn haired man. "C-Cody..." "That's me." You sighed, luckily it was only a dream...

or was it?

Set It Off OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora