Guy Don't Like Me (Carziger)

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I stepped into the classroom and immediately I noticed Maxx's head lifted to look at me as his friend Shelby whispered into his ear. I sat in my seat next to his boyfriend, Zach. "You better not be hitting on my boyfriend," "Don't worry about it, dude," "Don't," I shrugged and leaned over my desk to see Maxx still staring. I sent him a wink and his face boiled red. "What the fuck did I just say?" I just shrugged again. "Don't fucking shrug me off, you're hitting on my boyfriend," "It's not my fault he looked at me," "But it's your fault that your hitting on him!" "It's also not your fault that you can't compete," "Excuse me?" "Why else do you think everyone goes gay for me?" "Fuck off..." "If you say so."

It was lunch and I sat at a table in the cafeteria with my headphones on. A shy tap met my shoulder and looked up at Maxx. I took off my headset. "Hey Maxx," "Can I... umm... eat lunch with you?" "Sure," He sat down next to me. "You look worked up?" I mentioned, putting a hand on his thigh. He tensed up. "Little bit," "What's up?" "Umm... are you single?" "Yep," "A-Are you free... umm... Saturday?" "I am," "Do you want to... like... go out?" I smirked and passed him my number. "I'll pick you up," He smiled. "Thanks for giving me a chance," "Don't thank me yet, the fun only began," He squeaked in excitement. The bell went. "Saturday then," "Have fun till then," He ran of to his friend, jumping and flailing his arms in exhilaration. I smiled till I landed my eyes on Zach. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off as I left the room before he body slammed me.

It was the end of the day and it was a Friday so I got ready to hit the all ages club down the street. I hopped into my black Ferrari and drove off. Instantly I noticed Zach's 2004 Ford. Smiling devilishly, I stepped into the venue. I saw Maxx talking to Shelby and the bartender when said bartender pointed to me. Maxx spun in his seat. He smiled and signaled me over. I smiled and walked over. "Hey," "Hello, wasn't expecting to see you here," "I could say the same thing," I leaned in closer to him. "What's up with Zach?" "Broke up," He lied, clearly. I smirked. "Let me get you a drink," "No," "Whiskey lemonade?" "No, don't, I can do it myself, I can pay," "Since we met here then you'll get a small taste till tomorrow, let me get you a cocktail," "Okay..." "Whiskey lemonade," "Alright love birds," "Blake!" Maxx sparked up. "Hmm? I'm speaking the truth," Maxx pouted and blushed but I could see him glaring at my chest that showed through the thin fabric. I bit my lip and sent him another wink. He turned to face Shelby. "He's too hot for me," "You two are like a puzzle," He shook his head. "I can't look at that every night," "Consider yourself lucky, he's hit on by every girl, he's had a zillion girlfriends in the past," "What happened?" She shrugged. He looked back at me. I grabbed a hold of his leg and spun him in his chair before putting him in my lap. He stared into my eyes with his mouth slightly ajar. I brushed a thumb over his lips and smiled at him. I watched his heart melt through his eyes as they dilated. I handed him his drink that was just placed on the bar. He broke the eye contact to sip from his drink. "You know what this boy likes," "Dated girls like you," "You never dated a boy?" "Never, you're the first and last person I'll date," He blushed again and hid his face in the glass. I held him tightly as I carried him into the empty hallway leading to the bathrooms and liquor storage. "What are we doing here?" "Showing you a bit of fun when you're my boyfriend," I placed him on the floor. He stared into my eyes in curiosity. "What are you gonna do?" I slowly kissed him. He tensed then relaxed and kissed back, leaning into me. I held his hips and nibbled at his bottom lip. He granted me access and I shoved him against the wall. "Cody..." I kissed him again. My hands traveled up into his shirt and held his bare hips. He broke away and looked at my body. I took my hands out of his shirt and took his hands and put it on my abdomen. He stared at the abs that shown through the shirt and back up to my eyes. "All yours," He leaned his lips in. I grabbed his legs as he unexpectedly spun us around and pushed against me. I moved from his lips to his neck. He gasped and grabbed my shoulders from the tension. "Don't leave a mark, my mom would be so mad," "I'll leave it where you can hide," He nodded and played with my waistband. "Maxx?" He shoved me off him to look at Zach. "What the hell?! I thought you were better than this!" "I still like you, just not as how we were," "Yeah, well I'm out, have fun getting home," "Zach!" He cried but didn't bother chasing him. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's not his fault he can't compete."

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