Chapter Three.

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Picture: Emily Dolan

He wouldn't even look at me.

Since of the beginning of this meeting Tristan wouldn't even meet my eyes, he's only even uttered a few words to me, but even those few words where with disgust.

"So as my client has stated the house that was being built of in the coast, along with the cars and jewelry that Ms.Brooks was gifted by my client will remain in her name."

Thats right the house we where building for our family in the future will never be finished I don't care about the money or the cars or jewelry, what really kills me is the house, our future home. Our family will never be complete.It will just be me and my baby, and all because Tristan can see past his own rage.

"I don't want any of it he can keep it all." I speak up just thinking that I don't want all of those reminders. I don't want anything that will remind me of what we where.

I'm already going to have the biggest reminder of all and the only reminder I need.

Fredric, Emily's father talks quietly in my ear, "Are you sure Evie? Those are your things as well." he says concerned.

I nod, "I'm sure Freddie, I don't want any of it."

I hear Tristan scoff, "Just take the things Evelyn, and be happy I gave you anything at all after what you did.", he says finally looking me in the eyes.

"I didn't do anything, so no I don't want anything from you." I stand my ground, even if he looks at me with so much hate I will not cry.

He just rolls his eyes and looks away.

Tristan's lawyer clears his throat and continues on with the agreements of our divorce, "Alright now to the company shares. My client would like to buy Ms.Brooks out of the company for a generous amount of one million dollars."

Now its my turn to scoff, "Are you serious? My grandfather gifted me those shares! You know they are worth more than that!"

My grandfather own thirty-five percent of the company, when he passed away last year he left me with his share of the company.

Tristan know fully well that those shares are worth way more than what he offered me.

"You should be happy I'm even giving you a million. Someone like you doesn't even deserve one penny of my hard work and my family's!" he stands shouting over the table.

I get out of my seat, I will not have him talk down to me, "You didn't do all by yourself Tristan! I was there! My family was there as well! Hell our parents where the ones who started this company!"

"And who do you think got this company to where it is now?! We have had a forty percent growth since I've been acting CEO!"

"Yes and who was there with you?! I was! I was there every late night, every obstacle, I was there by your side! And now you want to offer my some pity money because you think thats all I deserve no! You don't get to do that to me!" I end it with a sob and a hand to my heart which is starting to throb a little bit.

"Maybe we should reschedule?" Freddie cuts in before Tristan can respond, starting to stand up and gather the divorce papers.

"No, no it fine, I want to end this today." I say grabbing his arm to stop his movements.

I look toward Tristan, "I would like to speak to you privately."

"Why so you could try and convince me you didn't do anything wrong." he scoffs shaking his head.

"I didn't do anything wrong, but no its something else, something very important." I tell him.

He looks into my eyes for a few seconds before finally nodding and agreeing to speaking to me.

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