Chapter Six.

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A/N In this chapter there is going to be a lot of time hops throughout Evelyn's pregnancy, just a heads up.:)

One Month Later. (Six months pregnant)

I feel my little boy move everyday now, he's more active now that he has ever been in the last couple of months.

The doctor says its because my stress levels and my blood pressure have gone down.

But all in all I just feel happier being here in Italy with my uncle, yes I do still have some days where I get a bit down, but I try to push that all away and just focus on the good things like my baby and my new job at my uncle's company.

I'm so grateful that he gave me the opportunity to prove myself, and he doesn't go easy on me. In fact he says that he is going to push me even harder than anyone else, because I'm a De Marco and we are a strong family that have to earn everything that they have.

Talking about being a De Marco I changed my last name from Brooks to De Marco, now Evelyn Brooks is just a distant memory, and it's Evelyn De Marco's turn to shine and grow.


Two Months Later. (Seven months pregnant)

It seems that I just keep getting bigger and bigger as the days go by. Right now I'm in my bathroom in a bra and panties getting ready for my doctor's appointment, and rubbing coconut oil on my belly preventing any stretch marks.

Today we are also taking a look at my heart and getting the results for test we took, about two weeks ago I had another bad chest pain and the doctor wanted to follow up on that.

It scares me a lot but I'm trying to stay positive I just hope none of this affects the baby in any way.

An hour later I'm in the exam room and the doctor is doing an ultra sound on the baby and checking his heart and all of his other organs and bones.

"How does he look doc?"

"Your little bambino looks good and healthy, he is developing quite well." Answers Doctor Luca he is about fifty five years old and is a very warm and welcoming man.

I breath in a sigh of relief, "Thats great doctor. I just don't want him to be affected by my condition."

"He is fine but we still need to check on you, the mother is just as important as the baby. Now lets take a look at the results of the test and the cardiogram we took last time you where here." he says give me tissues to wipe of the gel from my belly.

After I finish adjusting my clothes I look at him expectantly and by the grim expression on his face I can see that the results aren't so good.

"What's wrong Doc?"

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it tesoro. You have two cogged veins in your heart which I causing your heart to worsen. In order to help you we are going to have to do a double bypass surgery. And even after that your heart condition may never go away."

I stayed quite for a little bit. "When will I be able to have the surgery? And how dangerous is it?"

"We won't be able to do the surgery until after you give birth to your son. And it's an open heart surgery it can be very dangerous Evelyn. I'm not going to lie there is a possibility that you won't make it."

"Do I have to have the surgery? Is it really necessary? I'm going to be mom I can't risk it."

"It will help improve you way of life Evie. And it will lower the chances of you having a sudden heart attack."

"But its not necessary? Only if I want to improve my quality of life?"

"Technically yes, as we don't know if you will ever have a heart attack, but that is a possibility."

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