Chapter Five.

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(A/N: So I decided not to put Tristan's POV I don't feel like its the right time, but here is Evelyn's POV enjoy. P.S sorry for being away for so long.)

"Good morning! Happy graduation day!" I wake up to Emily's excited voice, groaning I look at the clock on my bedside table and see that its six thirty in the morning.

"Why are you waking me up so early?" I ask covering my head with the blanket.

"Because we are going to have a good breakfast and then we need to get ready for graduation and also since you left everything until last minute we still need to get you a nice dress for today." she says setting down a cup of hot coco on there bedside table.

"You're not going to stop until I get up huh?" I ask from under the covers.

"Nope I'm not, so get up baby mama." she say in a sing song voice.

"Alright I'll get up and get ready." I huff.

"I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast."

Once I hear the door close I take the covers off and sit up on the bed grabbing the cup of hot coco I take a sip and place it back down. After a minute or two I finally decide to get out of bed and take a quick shower and get ready for today.

I walk into the bathroom and get undressed and look at myself in the mirror my body has changed so much theses past months I'm now five months pregnant and have a noticeable baby bump.

I give a small smile and rub my hand over my belly right as my baby gives a little kick letting me know he's wide awake. Yes he. I'm having a baby boy I found out two weeks ago and I couldn't be happier. 

The only thing that makes me sad is that he won't have his father there to help him along the way as he grows up, but I shake those thoughts away there is no reason to let that bring me down he made his decision.

Besides today is suppose to be a happy day, its my graduation and tomorrow I leave to Italy to live with my uncle. I sigh and get in the shower after my short shower I get go out and meet Emily in the kitchen where she is finishing making breakfast.

"How are you feeling this morning Evie?" she asks setting down our plates on the breakfast bar and taking a seat.

"Good no morning sickness this morning so thats a good sign." I answer, knowing why she gets worried especially because the first four months where horrible I had severe morning sickness and actually lost a lot of weight because I could barely keep anything down. Luckily I have been gaining a bit of weight this last month but still not a lot, my face still looks very thin.

"Good hopefully your over that part of the pregnancy."

"Yeah hopefully. So what are we going to do today remember we have to be ready by two today for graduation."

"Well I thought after breakfast we could go do our nails, then we still need to get you a nice dress for today and then we just come back here to get ready we should have enough time for everything today."

I smile, "Alright I'm fine with all of that". And soon we are done with our breakfast and we are on our way to the nail salon where we get our manicure and pedicure done and from there we go to the mall and Emily helps me while I complain about how nothing looks nice on me anymore.

And its in times like theses that I am so grateful for Emily she has helped me out with so much during all of this that I don't even know how to thank her for everything.

 From dealing with all those days that I would sit there crying to even now helping me find a dress while I complain about how everything looks on me.

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