Chapter Seven.

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Picture: Sebastian De Marco

*Four Years Later*

The sound of little footsteps can be heard right outside the bedroom door, I know that in just a few seconds little Sebastian will be making his way inside my room.

Sebastian De Marco. My son. I can't believe I almost lost the opportunity to know him. To watch him grow up.

My uncle was reluctant to tell me what exactly happened when I finally woke up but he says that my heart stopped.

I was technically dead for two minutes until the doctors restarted my heart. Right after that happened my uncle signed the papers to send me to surgery for my heart. I had to stay in the hospital for a month after the surgery to recover.

All I wanted to do throughout that whole time was just see my son, the few hours a day that my uncle and Courtney would bring him to the hospital just wasn't enough.

When I was finally able to come home I was so happy to finally be able to be full time with my son.

It was a slow recovery but after a few months I was able to finally get back up on my feet and start working with my uncle again.

The only reminder I have now of my time in the hospital is the scar going down my chest, it took a little bit of time to get used to the way my body looks now but I'm not ashamed of it.

If anything it just shows all of the things I had to go through to be where I am now.

I'm the financial director of the company in charge of any new deals and contracts, or just any financial movements of the company.

Today was a Saturday and I was just going to relax and spend the day with my son since most of the time I am really busy.

"Momma! Momma! Wake up! Wake Up!" he burst into my room running to the bed.

"Good morning sweetie." I greet him leaning over to pick him up and sit him on the bed.

"Momma we gunna see Papa Angelo?" asks referring to my uncle.

About a year ago I was finally able to buy my home here in Italy just twenty minutes away for my uncle.

"Yes, baby we are going to see Papa Angelo today. But first you have to take a bath and get ready, si?"

He pouts a little bit at the bath part but nods his head and agrees, "Okay momma, but lets hurry!".

I chuckle at his enthusiasm, but nod and start getting up and start getting ready to meet my uncle.

About an hour later we make it my uncle's estate, it was a sad day when I told my uncle my plans to move out.

He told me that I didn't have to leave and I could stay for as long as I wanted, but I just felt like it was time for me and my son to have a place of our own.

He was sad to see us leave but he knew that it was time for me to make that step in my life.

As usual my uncle is waiting by the door to welcome us in.

"Ciao mia nipote.E ciao mio piccolo Sebastian" he greets us with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Buongiorno, Papa Angelo!Mamma ha detto che hai dei pancakes!" little Seb greets him in italiano. It still astonishes me just how smart my little boy is to learn two different languages at the same time, at such a young age.

"Yes little one I have pancakes for you. Why don't you go into the kitchen and see if they are ready, si?" Sebastian nods happily and starts running toward the kitchen.

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