Chapter Nine.

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I stay quiet for a few moments trying to process what she just said.

"Evie? You still there? Hello?"

"Yeah I'm still here, just a little shocked thats all." I say a little breathless.

"I'm really sorry, I know its going to be hard, but I can't exactly tell him not to come he is Robert's best friend. I'm really-"

"I understand don't worry about it Em." I interrupt her apologies, "I was bound to see him again sometime, he is Sebastian's father. Sooner or later he I was going to have to face him."

"He's going to be the best man. Now that he is going to make it Robert really wants him by his side. So he's going to be there at the rehearsal and everything. I hope thats okay?"

"Of course it is don't worry about it." I say trying to convince her, and also myself.

"You won't have to walk the isle with him though you guys can go on your own." she says, and i can tell that this situation is stressing her out. Which it shouldn't its not her problem its mine.

"Don't stress out about it Em, its going to be your big day nothing else should matter only you and Robert should matter. I'll be okay, I'm sure of it."

I can hear her sigh of relief on the end, this was really stressing her out.

"Everything is going to be fine Em." I assure her.

"Thats good to hear I though it was really going to upset you. I'm glad you can handle it."

"Of course, I do have a question though. Do you happen to know when he will be back from his business trip? I have that meeting with the board members on Wednesday and I feel like it would go better if he wasn't present."

"Rob said he would be back Thursday night, so don't worry you'll be able to have your meeting without it being awkward with him there."

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Good. I think. It will be much easier to have the meeting if he's not there glaring at me the whole time. And also it would be easier for the board members to give me there actual opinion if Tristan isn't there to intimidate them.

"Alright well I'll let you go I'm sure your getting ready for bed already, have a goodnight and I'll see you Monday, okay?"

"Alright have a good day I'll see you Monday." I hang up.

I take a deep breath and slump back on my headboard.


I guess I'm going to have to face much sooner than I had hoped.

And most importantly Sebastian is going to meet his father for the first time, and his grandparents from both his mother's and father's side.

I mean he knows he has asked about his father and I've never spoken bad about Tristan I've always told my little Seb that his father loves him very much, but he has too work a lot and can't come see him.

I just don't think I can handle it if Tristan is awful towards my son. And I can't bare to think that he might feel rejected by his father, and even maybe his grandparents, both sets of them.

If they even think about making my son feel unwanted in any way I know that it is going to cause a very big problem.

I won't ever let my son feel unwanted. And if they do. . . well they won't like the consequences.

With those last thought I fall asleep know that I will do anything to keep my son safe and his feelings intact.

Saturday is spent just getting everything ready for mine and Sebastian's departure, my uncle will be flying to New York on Tuesday to be present Wednesday for the meeting.

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