Prologue: After returning home

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            Author's note: Here's the first part of my brand new book everyone. I have finally decided to do a book on Corpse Party. Some of the writing is from me and the video game along with the anime series. Just a heads up okay, and now, let's get started everyone!!


Naomi's P.O.V.

                    Have I returned home? How did this happen again? Where is....where is Seiko!? No! No! No! No! This can not be real!? She can't be dead!? She can't be!? I won't accept it! I just....can't. I looked around the classroom and everyone was there expect for....Seiko Shinohara, Mayu Suzumoto, Ms. Yui Shishido, and Sakutaro Morishige. I began to cry my eyes out as I finally realized that Seiko is really dead. But those around me that were alive, myself, Naomi Nakashima, Ayumi  Shinozaki, Yoshiki Kishinuma, Satoshi Mochida, and Yuka Mochida. I continued crying until Ayumi and the others hugged me. We all confronted each other after the loss of our Homeroom teacher to our friends. The next day, we went back to school as if nothing had happen but we all asked is Seiko, Mayu, Ms. Yui, and Morishige were there. Everyone we asked if they were at school, they didn't even remember them. Me and the others who survived the nightmare at the Heavenly Host Elementary School. All of it....all of it was REAL!?

                  Ayumi: "How come no one remembers them? Is it part of the curse at Heavenly Host Elementary School?"
                   Yoshiki: "What the hell!? Why the fuck did this have to happen to us!?"
                   Me: (grips my shirt were my heart is while tearing up) "Seiko....Seiko....Seiko....Seiko! No, she can't be dead!"
                   Satoshi touched me on my left shoulder and he was saddened from my reaction of Seiko's death. I still don't believe it, and I won't. I remember her, and so does the others. After school, I walked home by myself. It's the first time ever that I walked home by myself without Seiko by my side like she was. I miss her. I really do. Once I got home, I immediately ran to my bedroom crying into my pillows with so many memories of us being together like we used to be like. Now....and now she's gone forever!! I tightly gripped my pillows in angry and in so much pain. Why? Why did she have to die? Why couldn't  the spirit of Sachiko Shinozaki just leave us alone? I removed my face from my pillows after I heard a voice. Seiko!? Seiko was that you just now!? I could have sworn that I just heard Seiko calling my name. It's just my mind playing tricks on me that's all....right? Right. I looked around my room and I laid down on my back on mu bed but the voice called out again. I immediately sat down and looked around my room once again. I sighed and I touched my forehead with my left hand. What is going on with me today? I thought to myself sighing.
                    I left my room and the house to go out for a walk to clear my mind. I have no idea of what's going on with me after learning that Seiko is really dead. I want her back and now. I miss her so much. I'll do almost anything in order to get Seiko back to me and to this world not in Heavenly Host Elementary School hell. I walked to Ayumi's house and see if she has an ideas to bring our friends back here. I gently knocked on her front door and her older sister Hinoe Shinozaki answered the door.
                    Me: "Hello, my name is Naomi Nakashima, is Ayumi Shinozaki home?"
                    Hinoe: "Yeah, she's in her bedroom. Please come on in, Naomi."
                    Me: "Thank you."
                    I walked up the stairs towards Ayumi's bedroom and knocked. She answered the door.
                   Ayumi: "Naomi!?"
                   Me: "Hey, Ayumi."
                   She lets me inside her room and we talked then I brought up the idea of bring our friends back.....somewhere and somehow. Ayumi looked at me shocked but she smiled at me.



            Author's note: Hello again everyone, I hope you guys enjoyed the prologue to my brand new book of Corpse Party. I've wanting to do this for so long now, and I'm finally doing it after all of this time. I will bring the character introductions to the book as well. I just like to introduction the characters that will be in this book is all. That's how I roll and that's how I do my books. If you know the characters  from other books without their introduction then you know anything at all. But then again I may be wrong. So my bad. Now, the first introduction of the characters of this book will be Naomi Nakashima. Then, Seiko Shinohara. Thanks again for everything, and as always, I'll be seeing you in the NEXT chapter/part. Laters~~


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