Naomi Nakashima

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            Author's note: Here's the first part of this new book but it'll be the introduction of the characters that'll be in this book. So here's the first character everyone. This part is going to give you a summary of this character. If you already know them, you can still read this either way. I just like introducing the characters in the books I'll be doing and publish. The first character is Naomi Nakashima.



Name: Naomi Nakashima

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 158 cm (5'2")

Weight: 46.4 kg (102 lbs)

Birthday: December 14th

Blood type:  Type A


School: Kisaragi Academy Senior High School

Occupation: High School Student

Class: 2-9


Status: Alive


Natsumi Nakashima

Naoyuki Nakashima

About Naomi Nakashima:
Naomi is a teenage girl of average height and below average build with short, brown hair and brown eyes. Like all other female students at Kisaragi Academy, she wears a tan-colored sailor outfit with a blue collar and lighter blue cuffs. Her uniform also consists of a yellow bow held by a blue brooch to the top, and a blue pleated skirt. Her student ID is pinned to the right of her chest. Naomi also wears black mid-calf socks and blue uwabaki slippers. Naomi is generally a bright and cheerful, if stubborn, teenage girl. A tomboy, she often feels the need to take charge of everything she is involved with, which usually causes her to butt heads with Satoshi Mochida. This behavior hides a more "girlish" side to her that enjoys shopping and grooming herself like other average girls of her age, which shows itself whenever she plays with her best friend Seiko Shinohara. She also tends to let her emotions control her actions: when stressed, she is prone to acting like a spoiled child who whines, complains, and lashes out at everyone around her. However, she is very self-aware of herself during such intervals, but has extreme difficulty stopping herself from acting in such an immature manner, which causes her to feel guilty whenever she regains control of herself.


            Author's note: There you go everyone, she's the first character to be introduced to my brand new book. I hope you enjoyed. The next character to be introduced  is Seiko Shinohara. Thanks again for reading and everything else, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part. Laters~~


Naomi x Seiko~ Love Never Dies~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora