Ayumi Shinozaki

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            Author's note: Hello yet again everyone, here's the next chapter/part for you. Here is the third character that'll be in this book. This is the summary of Ayumi, but if you already know her you can still read this either way.



Name: Ayumi Shinozaki

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 151 cm (4'11")

Weight: 43.2 kg (92 lbs)

Birthday:  September 12th

Blood Type: Type A


School: Kisaragi Academy Senior High School

Occupation: High School Student

Grade: 11th grade

Class: 2-9 and 3-1 (movie)


Status: Alive


Asuka Shinozaki~Mother~

Ayato Shinozaki~Father~

Hinoe Shinozaki~Older sister~

About Ayumi Shinozaki: Ayumi is a teenage girl of shorter height and below average build with blue eyes and long blue hair styled into two pigtails, held with red hair ties. Like all other female students at Kisaragi Academy, she wears a tan-colored sailor outfit with a blue collar and lighter blue cuffs. Her uniform also consists of a yellow bow held by a blue brooch to the top, and a blue pleated skirt. Her student ID is pinned to the left of her chest. Ayumi also wears white mid-calf socks and blue uwabaki slippers.Ayumi is a tough girl with a creepy personality when it comes to occult topics. Inside, she is merely a frightened girl with insecurities. She can be brave, however, as demonstrated when she returned to Heavenly Host to rescue the survivors, despite the possible consequences. She has a crush on , believing him to be the only boy who would remain faithful (this due to her distrust of men and, to a lesser extent, ). Because of this, Satoshi is her greatest weakness. For instance, she is insecure about how she appears to Satoshi, as seen in the extra manga. She is also insecure about her ambitions, having been discouraged by other, more experienced illustrators. As a result, she often goes to her sister, Hinoe Shinozaki, or sometimes her teacher, , for advice. She was a fan of and her works until the recent events in Heavenly Host. She hates being alone and is anemic.


            Author's note: Well there you go everyone, there's the third introduced character to my brand new book. I hoped you guys enjoyed and thanks for everything. And as always I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part. Laters~~


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