Yoshiki Kishinuma

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            Author's note: Hello again to this book, the next male to be introduced to this book then back to the story at hand. YAY!! Almost done here. Now, this is a summary of Yoshiki, if you already know him then read this either way.



Name: Yoshiki Kishinuma

Age: 17 (CP) to 22 (CP2)

Gender: Male

Height: 172 cm (5'7")

Weight: 62.1 kg (136 lbs)

Birthday: November 8th

Blood Type: Type A


School: Kisaragi Academy Senior High School

Occupation: High School student and a Part-timer at a convenience story (CP)

Status: Alive

Cause of death: Body crush by the arms by Yoshikazu Yanagihori in a hug until bled out (in a Live Action Movie only)


Ayako Kishinuma~Mother~

Isao Kishinuma~Father~

Miki Kishinuma~Younger sister~

About Yoshiki Kishinuma: In, his hair is black. In , he is seen wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, as well as a black one under it, along with dark green pants and brown shoes. His eyes are red with a slightly visible hue of dark pink and, as mentioned before, he has short black hair. From onwards, Yoshiki is a teenage boy of average build and height with gray eyes and short, bleached, somewhat-spiky hair. Yoshiki wears the standard dark gray male Kisaragi Academy gakuran fully unbuttoned. Underneath, he wears the other white shirt (also present in the school dress code), untucked and partly opened, under which is a red shirt. His student ID is pinned to the left of his chest and tucked into the breast pocket of his gakuran. Yoshiki also wears light gray socks underneath blue uwabaki slippers. In, he has black hair and glasses. In, he is seen wearing a simple black shirt, dark green pants, and brown shoes. In, his previously bleached hair is now its natural black color, and he wears a white shirt with a black blazer. In, Yoshiki is an uncaring, rebellious boy with little to no care of anyone other than Ayumi. In, giving off the aura of a delinquent, Yoshiki faces difficulty in school due to issues at home. Being disowned by his parents, he rents a cheap apartment and works part-time to support himself. At one point, Yoshiki considers getting himself expelled from Kisaragi Academy, since he could not find a reason to continue attending if he didn't have an interest. However, changes Yoshiki's mind on the matter after standing up for him against their P.E. teacher, . Carrying over from his attitude at school, Yoshiki is prone to outbursts of frustration when faced with difficult situations. Though he often means well, his actions can appear cold or even selfish to those around him. In, Yoshiki's overall character is perverted, as he has a sexual fetish for Ayumi as seen by the multiple times that he tries to grab Ayumi's posterior. In addition, he is unkind and uncaring to any of the other characters, as mentioned when he returns to Heavenly Host solely for Ayumi and mentions that he doesn't really care what happens to the other characters.


            Author's note: There you go with the third male character to be introduced to this book. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter/part. Thanks for reading and everything else, and as always I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part. Bye bye~~


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