Sakutaro Morishige

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Author's note: Hello again to this book, another male to be introduced to this book then back to the story at hand. YAY!! Almost done here. Now, this is a summary of Sakutaro, if you already know him then read this either way.



Name: Sakutaro Morishige

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 178 cm (5'10")

Weight: 62.8 kg (138 lbs)

Birthday: February 14

Blood Type: Type AB


School: Kisaragi Academy Senior High School

Occupation: High School student

Status: Deceased (but he comes by to life somehow)

Cause of death: Cellphone found. Video of his death by jumping through a window after losing his sanity (BC), Committed suicide by jumping from 3rd floor window (BC manga), Committed suicide by stabbing himself in the chest (BD), Stabbed in the neck by (TS)Killed by 's hammer (Movie)


Kumiko Morishige~Mother~

Seishirou Morishige~Father~

Naotaro Morishige~Grandfather: Deceased~

Mitsuko Morishige~Grandmother~

About Sakutaro Morishige: Sakutaro is a teenage boy of average build, and somewhat above average height. He has blue hair and green eyes and wears glasses. Like the other students of Kisaragi Academy, he wears a gray gakuran uniform, his student ID pinned to his left, blue uwabaki slippers, and dark red socks. In he is seen wearing a tan shirt. Sakutaro is a character with layers: he likes to leave a good impression on other people while hiding his inner personality. He acts stoic and collected, taking situations like 's transfer and being encased in in his stride. Sakutaro takes great pride in his family heritage and reacts violently when other people make fun of his name. Unlike the rest of the characters, he is neither disgusted nor horrified by the excessive gore and decaying corpses in Heavenly Host. Instead, he finds them intriguing and feels comfort in viewing them, which may be a sign of . However, he tries to keep this trait a secret from others. Despite this, he did openly show amusement in chasing around, later recalling how much he enjoyed it, though he never intended to actually hurt her, out of his friendship with. In episode 5, it is shown just how potentially twisted Sakutaro can become, displaying levels of sadism that rivals that of . Rather than feeling mere comfort, Sakutaro now experiences disturbing amounts of pleasure at the sight of corpses, often donning an eerie grin whilst doing so, something, as noted by , he seems to do unconsciously. In addition, instead of finding corpses merely interesting, Sakutaro praises and critiques them as if they were works of fine art. This is most apparent with his treatment of Mayu's corpse, showing a sick kind of recurrence for it, and finding himself constantly drawn to it. It appears he also develops a kind of possessiveness towards the bodies he takes pictures of, often calling them "his". Multiple times throughout the chapter, Sakutaro seems to catch himself, and acknowledge his behavior as wrong, yet he always lulls back into his sinister antics soon. This dark side of him can reach its absolute peak as seen in one of the wrong endings, where he willingly and eagerly takes part in torturing and killing with , who seems to have taken to Sakutaro quite a bit. However, in , after nearly dying by falling out the window, Sakutaro seems to have snapped out of his corpse obsession, admitting that he was violating the bodies of those who had died, and seemingly regretting his actions. However, in its place is now an odd type of madness, shown when, upon finding Mayu's corpse again, puts in it a plastic bag and walks around with it, treating it as if she were still alive, something he quickly begins to believe, even performing a romantic soliloquy for her, something that even the likes of Yuuya find odd.


Author's note: There you go with another male character to be introduced to this book. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter/part. Thanks for reading and everything else, and as always I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part. Laters~~


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