How could you!

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Nightwing's pov
It was the next day, last night me, Wally, Black Canary, Green Arrow and Guardian's clone tired to help Roy, but he didn't want our help.

I got home late light night, when I dropped Wally off I went to go look for y/n, hoping I could find her or at least a clue, but sadly I found nothing.

When I got back to the manor I never actually made it to my room, I just passed out on the couch not caring about who sees me on the couch instead my room.

"Dick, wake up. Argh! Alfred made cookies." I heard Bruce said as soon as he said cookies I got up as quick as I could running to the dinning room and sitting down looking for the cookies. But there was noting, I was tricked!

"I don't see any cookies! Why am I here if there are no cookies!" I said frustrated that I woke up to a lie, by Bruce!

"At least I know what can get you up. But why the heck were you sleeping on the couch?" Bruce asked sitting at the chair across from me looking straight at me.

"Next time that won't work, cause I'll know there's no cookies. And I got home late, that's all." I said not telling him that I was actually looking for y/n.

"After all this time, you still suck at lying to me. I thought I taught you well Dick." Bruce said crossing his arms a smirk appearing on his face, I swear to god I can't even lie to him! Argh why does he have to be so good at everything! I thought as I just rolled my eyes at him.

"You were out looking for Y/n." Bruce said his arms still crossed and having a sly smirk on his face. I give up! He's freaking Batman why did I think I could get away with this! I thought as I was nodding my head.

"I knew it!" Tim said out of nowhere, I forgot he was at the table for a minute. He just stared laughing as he got out of seat and went upstairs, before being chased down by Alfred saying he needs to go to school.

"Sucker!" I yelled at him as he and Alfred walked out the door. Tim rolling his eyes at me and was off to school.

"Dick, we'll find y/n." Bruce said gaining my attention back after Tim and Alfred left. "I hope so, I feel lost without her. It's like I keep losing her no matter how hard I try to protect her." I said my voice cracked a bit as I tried to hide my pain and heartbreak from him.

Bruce got up out of his chair and gave me hug, I hugged him back and I just let all my feelings out not caring that I'm crying or anything else.

We stayed like that for a while till we separated. I was down at the cave when I got a text from Wally saying he wanted to talk and to go to the Justice League headquarters.

~~~~~~~Justice League headquarters~~~~~

I walked out of the zeta beam tube to see Wally sitting on a chair as if he was waiting for me for a while.

"Finally! God took you long!" He said as he got up and walked to me, he looked mad I don't know why just the other day he was alright now he's mad.

"This is all your fault!" He yelled as he pushed me down having me land on the floor. He was breathing heavy I now know he's mad and he's mad at me.

"What do you mean? What did I do to you?" I asked as I got up looking at him as he gave me a cold stare.

"You don't even know what you did! For crying out loud this how thing was your idea!" Wally yelled at me as he got closer making me back me away. My mask was hiding my face along with my eyes, if they were shown he would have seen sadness slowly making their way up my facial features.

"Wally if you're upset about the mountain don't be! It was a small price to pay anyways. So be mad at me about your souvenirs!" I yelled back at him getting annoyed at him for blaming me about everything.

"I don't care about that! I'm talking about Artiems, I'm worried for her! What if her and Aqualad get caught! I'll never see her again if they get caught, and if they do, you better know  it's your fault." Wally said as just shoved me out of his way and started to make his way to the zeta tube, leaving me speechless.

"You really are a good leader Dick." Wally said sarcastic as he went through the zeta tube and leaving me all alone. I'm a really bad leader, once Aqualad is back I'm no longer part of this team and I'll no longer be leader. I thought as I went through the zeta tube to go look for y/n.


Y/n's pov
"What do want me to do now." I asked Klarion ready for whatever he has in mind.

"I want you to go see The Reach." Klarion said as he left, I was just wondering where they were and who they are till Vandal Savage walked in with 3 people behind him, the people were aliens.

"Y/n, this is The Reach." Vandal Savage said pointing to the 3 people behind him.

"Why hello young lady, we have very special things for you to do." One of the alien said probably the leader.

What does he mean by that?? I thought as The Reach started talking about their plans. They were going to destroy the world! I have to stop this, this is ridiculous! I thought as they were still talking.

Why hello guys!! I'm back again! Okay sorry if this was short and all, I just didn't know what else to add so.... that and I knew you guys wanted a chapter (hopefully).

So Wally and Dick had a fight, will they makeup or not, who knows!! What does The Reach have in mind for you, you'll have to wait and see!!

Okay that's it guys, see all of you in the next chapter!! Make sure to vote if you liked this chapter and comment your favorite part!! Bye guys 😘😘 Stay Fresh!

Young justice nightwing x reader : search and rescue Where stories live. Discover now