4. Light of Day

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Author's Note:

Song for this Chapter: We're Going To Be Friends  The White Stripes


Dru slept fitfully, her dreams sliding from the fearful—being chased through a dark forest by a creature with horns—and shifting suddenly to the sensual—to the feel of warms hands, a warm voice, a warm mouth of an anonymous dream lover. The bang of her dorm room door slamming woke Dru, and she sat up in a panic, the touch of her dream lover still flushing her skin.

Dru rubbed her eyes and leaned forward, her throbbing head in her hands.

She needed to stop dreaming stuff like that. She had sworn off guys. And partying, for that matter.

Jesus. Beer, then whiskey, then wine? What the hell had she been thinking yesterday? She hadn't been drunk like that since she was sixteen.

The bang that woke her was Lana making a hell of a racket, opening dresser drawers, looking under books, clothes and scattering the piles of jewelry, chargers, and whatever other crap was piled on her dresser.

"Have you seen my keys?" she asked Dru.

Dru crawled from the bed and reached for a bottled water. After downing half the bottle, she said, "Why are you driving to class? It takes ten minutes to walk."

Lana didn't answer, she just kept crawling around the room, looking under things for her keys. Dru squinted at her roommate. Lana was still wearing her clothes from yesterday, and the heavy kohl around her eyes was smudged.

Dru searched her memory. She remembered stumbling back down the wooded path to the dorms after whatever the hell that was in the woods, and falling into bed, but it was all hazy.

"Did you stay at Sean's?" Dru asked casually.

Lana looked at her like she was crazy. "No," she said wrinkling her nose. "I was in the student center. Doing some research." She gestured to the floor at her open book bag, where several thick, leather-bound volumes with no titles were spilling out.

"WHAT? For classes you haven't even been to yet?" Of all the things Lana had done since Dru had met her, this was the most shocking, simply because it was so out of character.

Lana gave her sharp look, but she continued to rummage her drawers for her keys. "I do take my major seriously, Dru. God, do you think I'm a total loser?" Lana was a history major, with some kind of personalized, vague minor that she didn't really talk about. Dru knew she liked Medieval history, and farther back than that.

"No, of course not. Sorry." Dru mumbled, shuffling over to her own dresser, looking in her top drawer for some ibuprofen. "It's just...I can't believe you could study...after last night."

"Yeah, it was pretty crazy, huh?" Lana said mildly, watching Dru almost like she was a zoo animal. "That's the first time I've ever seen you drunk, Dru."

Dru snorted. "Last time, too. That was a mistake I don't make anymore."

It was true. It had been two years since Dru had sworn off partying, and other things, and she'd never slipped, until yesterday. But yesterday...was the most bizarre day she had ever had. She felt like a different person inside, ever since that damn Groundhog had popped out of its fake hole. She felt...reckless, and restless. She wondered if she was getting sick, but deep down she knew it was not that. First it had been the way Sean had wrapped his arm around her at the Groundhog reveal, and then Hearne grabbing her on the street, and then last night...

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