40. Roomies

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Author's Note: Sometimes you just need to talk things out with your bestie...

Song for this Chapter: Hello My Old Heart by the Oh Hello's

Dru jerked open the door to exit her dorm room and found Lana pushing in from the other side. The two girls giggled as they nearly collided. Dru stepped back to let Lana in.

"Headed back to Hearne's?" Lana asked, gesturing at Dru's bag.

"I was," Dru bit her lip. "Hey Lan, is everything...okay? With you and Finn, I mean?"

Lana's eyes went wide, and then she smiled. "Everything's better than okay. Why?"

"Oh! Good. I just thought..." Dru gestured at Lana's unmade bed. "You've been sleeping here, and before Ostara you were pretty much at Finn's every night..."

"Oh that," Lana waved away Dru's concerns, as she hastily began stuffing clothes in her own bag. "That's only because...well, I need to check on Sean so much. Carrie can't be with him all the time..."

Dru felt a familiar tightening in her chest. She couldn't think of Sean without anxiety rising. Right after the stage collapse, she'd tried to go to him several times, but Carrie wouldn't let her in. Finally, Lana had told her Sean had asked her to stop coming by. It just caused too much discord between him and Carrie.

The fact that Sean was temporarily blinded, and yet she couldn't give comfort...it was the most painful thing she'd ever experienced. At least in this life. But she couldn't blame him. She'd made her choice at the Ostara concert, and she couldn't expect Sean to want her help. He'd sung her that song, telling her he wouldn't give up, that he would continue to fight for them, encouraging her, loving her, like he always did. And then, she'd nearly stopped his heart with her magic. Then she'd broken it by telling him she was fated to be with Hearne.

Of course he was angry. Of course he didn't want her around. And it was all for the better. Heath, Xander, Brady...her mistakes with them were child's play compared to Angus. She'd been right all along. She couldn't add another mortal boy to her casualty list. She wouldn't risk Sean. He could end up like Angus. Hearne was her salvation from that.

Lana was still gathering her things, but she'd stopped talking.

"Lana," Dru sat down on the bed. "How is he?"

Lana turned, a hairbrush in her hand. "Well, I think he's going to be okay now. It's kind of a long story..." she pulled her phone and checked the time.

"I miss you, Lana," Dru said softly. "All first semester we were best friends, and now even though we see each other all the time, we never...talk. I don't know if that's because we are just too busy, or if it's...because of me—because of what I've done to Sean."

Lana put the phone away. "I'm not mad at you, Dru. I know you are doing your very best for Sean. Come on," she pulled Dru off the bed. "Let's go."

Lana didn't have to elaborate. Dru knew where they were going...The Drunk Donkey.

Malone's was the go-to place when Sean was in the mix, but all first semester, Dru and Lana would go to The Drunk Donkey on Tuesday's to have girl time and margaritas. Lana came to Sabit with a fake ID and she had somehow gotten Dru one during the first few weeks of school. Now, Dru understood that Lana had magicked them. But they came to the Drunk Donkey so much they didn't get carded anymore.

The Mexican restaurant was a block down from Malone's on the opposite of Main Street, and whereas Malone's was a dark pub , The Drunk Donkey was brightly colored, cheerful, and always a party atmosphere. Except for the fact that it was Spring Break, and the campus was practically empty.

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