Chapter one

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WARNING: Throughout the book there will be explicit language and sexual content.

I have school today, waking up is like a nightmare, where before you know it you're in hell.

Today is like any other day, being Cammy Weston, same routine, same parents, same Everything.

Waking up I roll out of my bed, rubing my eyes, I take a deep breath in.
I walk to the bathroom, turning on the hot water tap,  a sudden knock at the bathroom door makes me jump


"God, I was just checking if you were awake, no need to be snappy"

"Me? Snappy? Never" I look back at myself in the mirror. " take a hit,You know you get extra bitchy when you dont!" I yell towards the bathroom door. I hear her kick the door.

So first off my mother is a crack addict not Just saying this cause I hate her but she's literally a crack whore, she and my dad sell coke, crack, meth anything you want they have, he has one of the biggest 'companies' around. Which makes our family pretty wealthy, but I'm not quite sure if family is the right word for it. My Mother sleeps with other wealthy men even though she has my dad, pretty sure my "dad" isn't actually my dad, but that Doesn't matter because my dad sleeps with the slut next store, you know those typical beach body hotties that every man wants, yea? well she's one of them.

After removing my clothes I step into the scalding hot shower, quickly washing my hair and body, stepping out I wrap a towel around my body and wipe the steamed up mirror, I open the door and the cold air from the hallway whips my exposed skin.

I quickly walk to my bedroom, I walk straight to my closet, picking the essentials, some black skinny jeans, a sweater and and my black booties. I let the towel pool at my feet and slip on my clothes.

I walk over to my vanity and sit down, I grab my hair comb and try to comb out my long Red mess, I eventually get all the knots out, putting a bit of moose in my hand I flip my hair and scrunch it through that way my hair will be beach waves. The only make up I put on is concealer, translucent powder, natural eye shadow and mascara.

Grabbing my school bag, I walk down stairs, to see that my parents are already gone. thank.god.

I chug down a drinkable yogurt, yea I'm 17 and drink drinkable yogurt, there good breakfast.

I walk out the door grabbing my skateboard and keys, locking the door behind me. now on my way to a complete shit hole.

( K. so I have recently deleted my other two books cuz we all knew they weren't going ANYWHERE WHAT SO EVER lol, but I actually have hope for this book, yea its short but the chapters will gradually get longer and xxlaurenmarie gave the drugs idea so there will be alot and I hope you likey and I live her new book im sayin its gon a be perf

- Toodles)

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