Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm, realizing that I was in my bed, but I remember falling asleep with Harry on the couch.

I slowly stand up from my bed and walk across the hallway to see that Harry was sleeping in the spare bedroom.

"Harry, we have to get up for school" I gently shake his arm to wake him.

He opens one of his eyes and rolls over on his back pulling me down onto the bed with him. "Can we just stay here today" he pouts his swollen lips "yea, no if I miss to much school when my parents are gone they will kill me" I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom.

I grab a face cloth from the shelf running it under warm water, I apply foam face wash to my face, I then take the cloth in my hands scrubbing the foamy substance from my face.

I walk to my room going for my closet, pulling out black skinny jeans, my nirvana band shirt and a red flannel. I quickly put them on and run my hands through my hair, I put my make-up on quickly noticing that im already late.

I run downstairs to find Harry in the kitchen smoking.

"Hey, I'm gonna go but you can leave whenever" I walk to the door picking up my bag. "No, wait I'll drive you" he puts out his cigarette grabbing his bag.

I grab my keys off the counter walking out and locking the door behind us.

Walking to his car Harry runs ahead opening the car the passenger side door for me "well thank you" I give him a thankful smile.

I sit in the car watching Harry jog to the drivers side. He gets in and starts the engine. soon enough we're headed off to hell.


We arrive at the school, Harry parks the car, grabbing his bag he opens the door and steps out, I do the same grabbing my bag and getting out.

Harry Has already left to his friends, leaving me by myself, I walk through the parking lot, reaching the front of the school I walk through the doors to see Ashley and Amanda. Their both standing near my locker. great.

"Hey, scamy, herd you were with Harry yesterday!" I roll my eyes.

"Yea, so what if I was with him?, theres nothing you can do about it!" The next thing I know Amanda pushed me down to the hard concrete floor. "What the hell was that for?" Ashley reaches down grabbing my collar "That was for being a slut and if I ever hear or see you near him again, you'll make it alot worse for yourself and you don't want that do you!?" she rases her eyebrow, and I nod my head, "good" she pushes me back down and dusts off her hands making a disgusted face and walking away.

I turn my head to see Harry was watching the whole thing, I feel years brim my eyes, I sit up and grab my phone from my bag, pulling it out I bring up Harry's number.

Me: *Skipping the rest of the day, going home*

Harry: *k I'll meet you there In a couple minutes*

I tuck my phone back and my bag getting up and walking out of the school to home.


I finally reach my house, I go upstairs, bringing the bag of marijuana down to the living room.

I begin to seal the drug filled paper, when theres a knock at the door. I stand up and walk to the door opening it.

Harry comes in closing the door behind him and walking to the living room "So what happened today" he picks up the joint putting it between his lips. "You saw the whole thing didn't you" he lights the drug and shrugs his shoulders "Well she is your girlfriend isn't she?" he coughs out the smoke from surprise "ha ha ha no I fucked her a couple times but thats it" I take the joint from between his fingers and put it between my lips nodding my head "okay".

The rest of the day we ended up getting high together in my living room.


Harry and I have both come down from our highs and its now 4 am.

"I dont like the way they treat you" he looks at me with sorriness In his eyes.

"well, I could really care less you know, yea they gang up on me, but it doesn't bother me cause at the end of the day we all know who the real slut is" We both laugh and Harry shakes his head agreeing with me.

Harry stands up from the couch "come with me" he reaches his hand out "where are we going?" I reach up and take his hand standing up "just come" He pulls me to the door.

"put your shoes on, I want to show you something" Harry and I put our shoes on waking out to his car.

He starts the engine and pulls out from the driveway.

After about 30 minutes of driving we are in the middle of nowhere, Harry pulls up to a wooded area driving down a dirt road.

"where the hell are we?" Harry takes my hand in his "Just wait and you'll see" I look over at Harry and just start to admire his features.

We end up pulling up to a beach, Harry parks the car as close to the sand as he can, he gets out of the car and walks to the trunk, I open the door and step out going to the back of the car with him, when I stand beside him hes pulling out tons of blankets.

We walk up to the front of the car and Harry starts putting all the blankets on the hood of the car.

Harry climbs up on hood the crawling under two of the blankets, "come on" I climb up on the hood going under the same two blankets.

I lay close to Harry so that im laying on his chest with his arm around me. since its almost 5 am the sun starts to come up.

"so what is this place?" I look up at Harry "well its a beach that I come to when I need to get away from everything, and im pretty sure no one knows about it" I can feel his hand rubbing my arm "it's beautiful thank you" he looks down at me funny "for what?" I shrug "well for showing me your secret place" I smile into his chest, and he places a kiss on my head.

For the rest of the time Harry and I watch the sunset come up as we fall asleep on the hood of the car.

(K so this is a long chapter cause im goinv camping tomorrow for the weekend and I may or may not have wifi anyways I hope you like it and if I do have wifi I will update again -TOODLES)

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