Catching up

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Opening the door being surprised by who it is. Harry.

I tuck my hair behind my ear "Hi?" He's rocking back and forth on his feet "Hey" well this is some what awkward, oh who am I kidding it's totally awkward.

"So...What are you doing here?"

"Oh well I came to talk to you" I nodded my head, jesturing for him to come in.

He walks in following me to the kitchen "Tea?" He nods his head "yea".

Getting the kettle on the stove he begins to speak "So I wanted to talk to you about one of the things that was going around in school" oh great. " Um so what im trying to ask you is that.....Well Are you actually pregnant? " I roll my eyes shaking my head.

"No! I'm Not pregnant, what the hell, this the reason I skip school. To get away from all that stuff!" He stays quite.

After about two minutes the whistle from the kettle breaks the silence. I pour the tea handing one of them to him.
"thanks, and I was only asking cause of ...." was he bringing that night up? "well cause you know at the party.. we-"
"Had sex yea I know what you mean". "and it wasn't that it was weird, it was just really I dont know, I guess you could say weird cause we used to be Friends" I slightly nod my head.
"yea sorta"

"yea, and one more question" oh dear Jesus "was I the first person you slept with?".

Dipping the tea bag in and out I dont say anything. "I was wasn't I?" a small grin appears on his face, that same fucking grin. "I knew it".

"Oh my god if you knew it why'd you ask?" He shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm Glad it was me" everything went to being really quiet. I cant believe he said that
I can feel my face getting hot and red "yea. yea I am" I smile which makes him smile.
"Harry Styles. are you flirting with me?" we both laugh
"maybe" He winks at me which makes me go even reder.
I grab my tea from the counter walking to the living room sitting on the huge couch. "Well are you coming?" He gets up from the kitchen chair and slowly walks over sitting across from me.
His face becomes serious "Listen ... Im really sorry for ditching you a couple years back and not talking to you AND ignoring you" he looks down at his cup.

"Well it's fine... I've managed to go to school alone" I slightly smile.

"I'll be right back" I quickly get up jogging up to my room. I reach my room and grab the marijuana and rolling paper off my bed.

I walk downstairs waving the bag of weed in Harry's face. " way, your parents let you smoke that shit?"

"well its for 'relief' I guess but I usually just smoke it anyway" He laughs rolling the drug between his long fingers.

He places it between his plump lips, lighting it with my lighter. He puffs then blowing it out handing it to me. I do the same.

I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket, I take it out and theres a message from my dad.

*Honey, we wont be home for about two weeks, I got called to vegas for a short notice business trip*

More like a short notice hoe trip. I toss my phone on the coffee table.

"To be honest I shouldn't be doing this, I have to drive home" I shrug my shoulders.

"Well your welcome to take one of the spare badrooms, if you want, plus I was just informed that my parents went on a short notice business trip to VEGAS"

"wow that is short notice, I guess I will have to stay here, you can't stay in a big house by yourself" I watch him run his hand through his dark curls.

"yup, So hows your mom been I haven't seen her in ages!" I get up and cross my legs on the couch.

" She's been good, shes actually got married to Robin! "

"oh wow thats awesome, and hows your sister?"

"Shes been really good too, she actually graduated in like January I think.....My mom asks about you alot" he brings the joint up to his lips and sucks in.

"Really?" I didn't think she still would "yea she does A LOT" I smile "well tell her I'll come visit sometime" he nods his head "I'll tell her that she'll love it".

"wait, shouldn't you go back to school?"

He chuckles "nah, I'd rather chill with you".


It's about two am now and Harry's stoned as hell, all we've done is caught up with each other.

"Well, I'm going to bed" I smile at him.

"yea I need to sleep this off, definitely! not going to school tomorrow"

"yea me either, not after tonight" we both laugh and head up stairs.


we reach the top of the stairs and go down the hall to my room.

"so you can have the room across from mine, just incase you need anything" I open the door to his room motioning for him to go in.

"okay thanks" he winks and slowly walks into the room shuting the door behind him.

( K So im UPDATING every second day and sometimes maybe another one the next day, but I hoped you like this and you guys probably wanted something else but not for a while ...... maybee ;)


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