chapter 13

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K so I'm warning you now that this is going to be a really explicit chapter XXX

Northern lights ~Jaymes young
Off to the races ~ QUEEN (Lana del Rey)
High for this ~ The weekend


Walking into Harry's room it starts to feel like I haven't been away for forever,All the memories of us come back a bit, the huge dark room, we were always cuddling on his bed or playing hide n seek in his sheets.

I sit on the end of his bed with him coming beside me and sitting down as well "so what do you want to do?" He rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

"Im not sure, it's up to you I guess" I shrug my shoulders falling back onto the bed.

"I can think of lots things to do, especially with you. Here. In my room" a devilish smirks plays upon his plump lips.

Harry crawls on top of me, his head coming down to the crook of my neck placing wet kisses, he comes to a spot just below my ear, making me moan.

I can feel him smile in the kisses, he starts sucking on that spot then licks to soothe it, making me moan a bit louder then before.

Harry moves up kissing my jaw, then my cheeks, then eventually getting to my lips.

I dont hesitate to kiss back "I love you so much Cammy, i always have and I always will" I break the kiss smiling like crazy "I love you too Harry".

He sits up removing his sweater then his shirt, He has tattoos on his chest and his stomach and I'm just noticing the few in his arms and wrists "w-when did you get these?"

" I don't know I can't really remember, I think maybe around the time we split up" I place my fingers on the tattoos of his stomach and start to trace them. Harry takes my hands in his softly pinning them down to the bed.

He reaches for the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, sitting up he unhooks my bra strap and throws it on the floor.

His eye rake up and down my body, with his hands unbuttoning my pants, he takes then off throwing them to the floor with the rest of the clothes.

Harry starts kissing between my breasts, as he starts massaging them with his hands making me moan.

His kisses start to get lower and lower untill he gets to my hips, kissing the inside of my already throbbing legs.

Removing my panties in the most agonizing way, he spreads my legs open, and blows on my wet slit, placing his finger on my entrance he rubs up and down making me fist his sheets, Harry moans at how wet I am for him.

"Mmm Cammy, you're so wet for me baby" Harry, with his lips kisses the top of my slit making me moan a bit louder then I wanted.

His tongue began his slow sweet assult, licking up and down. His pace got faster "Harry mmm" I can't do it much longer.

"It's okay baby cum for me, I want to taste you" The vibrations of his words made me go crazy, I arch my back and released myself to Harry.

Harry brings his head up "mmm baby you taste so good".

He gets up putting his shirt back on, and I cover up with a blanket.

"U-uh, um I thought you would want something?" He chuckles as he walks over to me.

"Soon babe, soon" he kisses my lips.

Walking over to his dresser he takes out his rolling stones shirt and passes it to me along with a new pair of my underwear and my jeans.

"Thanks, can I have a shower?" He nods and I walk to his bathroom leaving the blanket at the door.

His bathroom hasn't changed either, Its warm but its big.

I walk over to the shower turning on the hot water and a bit of cold, stepping in I notice that my old bottle of shampoo and body wash is still Sitting on the shower ledge. I remember that he always bought me bathroom stuff when I started coming over and staying the night all the time.

I hear a knock at the door which interrupts my thoughts "Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine I'll be out in like 10 minutes" I step into the shower washing my hair and body quickly.

Getting out, the cold air nips at my skin I grab a towel from underneath of the sink, drying myself and my hair off, I slip on my bra and Harry's shirt then my jeans.

I throw my towel in the hamper and walk out of the bathroom.

Harry is laying on his bed watching t.v, walking over to the other side of the bed, I lay down on Harry's chest as he Wraps his arm around my waist "your so beautiful" he kisses my wet hair.

"I love you Harry"

"I love you"

(Oh my god yasss so that was my chapter i hope you like it, its a bit nasty but its one of many✌✌✌)

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