chapter 14

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Waking up I almost forgot where I was, seconds then I realized that I was at Harry's.

Looking over Harry was looking at me "your so adorable when you sleep" I smile Turing my face into the pillow.

"How long were you watching me?" He smiles.

"Not long enough" He chuckles and I laugh.

Moving closer to me I rest my head on Harry's chest with him wrapping his arm around me and pulling the blankets over us.

"Can I ask you a question, and be totally honest with me?" I look up at him.

"Yeah of course, what ate you thinking about?" I feel Harry's hand going up and down my back.

"Well how did you take it when I told you we couldn't be friends and then I started bullying you?" I still wonder if he ever meant it.

"Well to be honest It was hard for me. I found peace many nights at the bottom of a cheap bottle of wine alone in my room with My confusion and loss of self consumed me, I had uncontrollable panic attacks that caused me to rarely leave the house. I spent many long days in my room not talking to many people at all" That was the truth.

"Cammy i absolutely can not tell you how sorry i am, i was such a fucking idiot I can't believe i did that to you" I wanted to say it was fine. But. It wasn't.

"I don't really care" I traced the ink on his arms.

"I promise I will never do anything to hurt you again" I feel like he was serious but there was still an uneasy feeling about it.

Getting up I walk out of the door, going down the stairs I smell thw most amazing smell ever. And that would definitely be Anne's cooking.

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