chapter 8

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"Where did you get the change of clothes?"
"Oh I stopped by my house before I came that day we left school early" he smiles and i nod my head
"I see".
I grab my keys and bag from the living room, Harry intertwines our fingers and he opens the door.
We get out to his car and he quickly opens the passenger side door for me "thank you" I smile and slide into the car, I watch as Harry jogs to the driver side getting in and turning on the car.
I made sure Harry turned up the heat as it was becoming colder and we were supposed to get a snow fall soon.
"So where are we going?" Harry grins "well it's this nice little brick cafe , and it has the greatest Coffee" I smile looking out the window watching as the colorful leaves were falling off the trees.


After about 30 minutes of driving we finally come to a cute little brick cafe, the entrance had fall vines spread across the front, it was quite beautiful.
Harry stops the car getting out first and coming around to my side, I open the door and he places his hand out offering me help, I slide my hand into his getting out of the car, Harry intertwining our fingers agian.
Reaching the entrance Harry opens the door and we both walk in.
The smell of breakfast and fall decorations fill my nose, it felt so warm and cozy, not alot of people but thats good.
A women with blonde hair comes towards us "Hi, Harry how are you?, hows your mom?" She smiles
"Hi, Barbra, im good thanks, and moms good she got married to robin, how are you?" The women smiled
"Im good hun thanks for asking, oh and tell that mother of yours congratulations robins a good man" Harry nods his head "Harry you got quite a cute one by your side today" she looks at me smiling, I could feel my cheeks get slightly warmer Harry smiles down at me.
"yes I do, thank you" I smile.
"so would you two little ones like a booth or table?"
Harry looks down at me and I shrug my shoulders "we'll take a booth please" Harry puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him as the woman grabs menus and takes us to our table.
"So what can I get you two to drink, tea, coffe?" Harry looks at me.
"we will have tea" she jots it down.
"okay hun two teas and ill be right back"
"Well this is really nice" I smile taking off my jacket with Harry foing the same"yea it is" I pick up my menu.
"So how do you know her?"
"Well actually my mom and i used to come here every sunday, and then when she met robin we kept coming for a couple more years then just kinda stopped I guess" he shrugs
"Oh, I see"

( k so this is super short and really cute but I hope you like it and im sorry for not updating last week)

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