8: Concernes and planning

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Robin pov

I don't know if I should class Rosie's behaviour as suspicious or just her. It looks like she finally hired help, that boy was with her at lunch too. He seems oddly familiar. But I'm sure I would remember if I met him.

"Hey, Rob, we found a book on that Phantom kid and one on Midnight." Well, that's some good news at least. Raven also has some books on spirits, portals and blood rituals. Not sure why she has that last one.

Danny pov

Robin looked deep in thought before Cyborg said he found books on us. Why did Raven grab a book on blood rituals? Maybe that's how Midnight opens the portals. I'll ask her later.

"Don't you guys think they looked really young for heroes. I mean, I know we are but..." Cyborg says I guess he's right. I'm only 16.

"They're spirits. They're dead. They don't age like we do, for all we know they might be 15 or 300, there is no way to tell without asking," Raven tells them, and they looked shocked.

"Why'd they run, we only wanted to talk to them?" Beast Boy finally says. "Dude, we did kinda' trap them in a bubble, with no warning. Who knows what they've experienced before, I know I would freak-out!" Finally, someone with some common-sense, thank you, Cyborg.

Starfire, who has been uncharacteristically quiet, finally speaks, "Friend Rosie has connections, perhaps she could get a message to them?" Well, she's not wrong. They head back to the front desk, and I head out again and become visible before coming back out. They put the books on the counter, and Rosie rings them up.

"Rosie, do you know a way to contact Midnight or Phantom? We want to talk to them, but they ran off last time," Robin asks.

"More like we scared them off" Beast Boy mutters under his breath earning a glare from Robin.

"Midnight saved me before I left home. I know a summoning rite to contact her, I can let her know you want to talk to them, can't promise she will show up though,"

Damn, she's good!

"Ask her to meet us outside the tower at 8:30."

"Aye, aye cap'n." She gave a mocking salute, gave them the books, and they left.

-time skip-

"I'm going to go see clockwork, see if he can give me any advice on what to do now," I call out and get a faint "'k," in reply. I open a portal to Clockwork's tower and step through. The doors open and I walk in.

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