14: This is it

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Rosie's POV

After a long afternoon of meetings, arguing with people with no common sense and headache-inducing issues all I want to do is flop on the sofa and sleep for a week; business and nightmares are damned. I walk through the door expecting to see Danny counting up the money in the register. Instead, I see two Dannys chatting. Blinking a few times, I realise I'm not hallucinating; looks like he found his brother.

"Seems like someone had an eventful day."

Danny whips around looking like a dear in the headlights before shrugging. "Yeah, I found my brother. Or well, he found me."

"Congrats!" I turned to the brother " I'm Rosie, nice to meet you."

"Hi, I'm Dick, nice to meet you too."

I asked what there were going to do now and found out they had exchanged numbers and were going to see where things went from here. I nod at him, offer a salute to both of them, and head up to grab some food.

Why did this brother seem so familiar? I recognised his voice, and I've definitely felt his aura before. Nevermind, I'll think about this tomorrow.

3rd person POV

About a month went past with the occasional ghost or spirit fight and the supernatural duo helping out the Titans. Things were surprisingly peaceful, and the brothers were growing closer. They now had weekly lunches to catch up and were texting and calling a lot.

It was on one of those lunches that disaster struck. Or a ghost to be exact. Now, the biggest issue with having a brother who's a superhero and hasn't told you as that they're a superhero is that he will try to protect you and get you to safety. Needless to say that with both brothers doing this, they weren't getting anywhere. Therefore they were remaining out in the open.

When the ghost shot an ectoblast straight at them, Danny reacted on instinct and threw up a shield. With Dick to supprised to do anything, Danny managed to change in an alley and finish the fight.

Dick' POV (surprise)

Everything was kind of a blur as Danny dragged me back to the shop. He put up a shield, on instinct. He has powers. He knows how to use those powers. Those powers are very familiar.

Oh God, he's Phantom. That means he's partially dead.

"-ic you need to breath. In, and out. Good again, in, and out." Right, I need to breathe.

"You okay now?" I nod.

"Are you Phantom?" He looks a little shocked and nods sheepishly. I want to be annoyed, but I've done exactly the same thing.

"Yeah, I am. I'm sorry for not telling you but I only just found you and..." He trails off.

"I'll be honest, I want to be mad, but that would make me a hypocrite."

Danny POV

Wait what.

"What do you mean you would be a hypocrite?" I am confused and somewhat worried.

"You're not the only one with secrets. I'm Robin. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but we haven't really known each other for very long, and I wasn't sure how." That's fair enough.

Before I can respond, I burst into hysterical laughter and Dick joins in a moment later. That's how Rosie finds us a few minutes later, sitting on the sofa laughing uncontrollably. She raises an eyebrow, and we manage to get our breath back. We all look at each other for a second before Dick asks:

"So you're Midnight then?" smirking.

Rosie smiles and nods before she transforms and chuckles. "I saw the news, everyone thinks Phantom put the shield up from behind the building so your secret's safe. I also won't tell anyone You're Robin Dick."

We both laugh at his shocked expression, and he decides not to question it, I'm not surprised in the slightest.

I have an insane family, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

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