Gareth Bale

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   "You promise me that you'll wait for me when practice is over, Paris?" My brother, Aaron, pleaded as he pointed at the spot he was standing.

   "Yes, will wait for you here, Aaron." I chuckled lowly to myself, my eyes widening when I saw Gareth walk by. Making hand signs at him that old him to wait a few minutes, I knew that Aaron was getting more and more confused.

   "Are you aright there Paris?" Aaron confusedly looked at me like I was some crazy person. I gazed back at him and played it off coolly. 

 "Yeah," I leaned agains the wall, trying to hide the fact that I saw Gareth walk by. "I just saw one of my friends walk by, that's all."

 "But, Katie works at target," Aaron's eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed, judging whether I was telling the truth to not. "As far as I know. But, you may be right, maybe she works here at the arena..."

  "And speaking of which," I pushed him towards the locker room, "You're late for yours."

   "Remember," he looked at me un a stern way, "meet me by the entrance."

 "Alright, alright," I gave him a thumbs-up, "I'll meet you there in a few hours."


 "Heym Paris!" I hear a muffled voice trying to speak to me. Looking up from my phone, I saw it was Gareth on the other side of the barrier.

 "Hey, Gareth!" A genuine smiled appeared on my face, waving at him. "How are you?"

  "I'm doing fine," He shrugged his shoulders, playing around with the soccer ball before passing it to a teammate. "How about you?"

   "I'm doing well, thanks for asking." I nodded my head, remembering about the game last night. "How was your first game with the national team?"

   "You know, playing in my first national game and getting the first natal goal was a surreal feeling. I still can't believe it, even today! But hey, Gotta give props to Joe, 3 goals in one game, that's pretty amazing." He chocked to himself before he heard the coach call him, "I'll talk to you later. Love you."

  I blew him a kiss, hoping that Aaron didn't notice and luckily, he didn't.


"Paris, you have to tell him sooner or later..." My good friend,Ashley mentioned about the fact that I still didn't tell Aaron about my relationship with Gareth.

  "Tell me what?" Aaron walked up to where we were standing with a curiosity-filled look on his face, "do you guys have something that you're hiding something from me? Ashley are you quoting snapchat?" 

  "What? No! I don't have anything that is a secret," Ashley shook his head quickly to downplay the situation. "I'm just going to leave you two alone... Good luck with him, Paris!"

   "Oh, shut up, Williams!" I playfully rolled my eyes at him as he dashed out the hallway and go into the locker room for 'protection'.

 "What is he so scared about?" Aaron snorted, wondering what was going on.

  "Ihaveaboyfriend." I quickly spilled the beans, but he was confused about what I said.

  "Could you say that a little slower?" Aaron cleared his throat, goin into brother-mode all of a sudden. Crossing his arms across his chest, he leaned against the wall and gave me the look to say it again.

  "I said, I have a boyfriend." A confident smirk starts to appear on my face, also crossing my arms. "And, there he is!" Gareth walked over to where we stood, not having a clue about what the hell was going on.

  "What's going on?" Gareth inquired, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Oh... You were telling Aaron that we were in a relationship." 

  "Wait. What! You two are dating?" Aaron's confused look turned into a shocked expression. He was trying to process the brand new information. "Gareth, you do know that you're dating my sister, right?"

  "Yes,  I know that, Aaron." Gareth kissed my forehead before looking back at Aaron. "And I would never do anything to break her heart."

   "Good. Because, if you do. I swear to God, Ashley and I will come to your place and-"

 "And that's all for today, folks." I broke up the little argument between him and Gareth. "Well, I'm really glad you approve of the relationship, Aaron." 

  "Ooh, wait until you hell Harry." He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

  "Lucky for us, he lives all the way in London."

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