Sergi Roberto

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You sent a decent time stretching since you didn't want to pull anything.

This was one of your biggest gymnastics completion you ever had participated in. There were important people watching. People who could one day determine if you went to the Olympics.

That was the dream. To be an Olympian.

So you stretched more than usual. It happened to be a good way for you to calm your nerves.

Sometime your boyfriend Sergi would show up and give you a lousy pep talk, but ever since the season started again, he has been really busy.

There was a ding that sounded through your small space, your text tone. In the back of your mind you knew it was Sergi wishing you luck.

The long distance was hard. He had to move all the way to Barcelona from Reus. You stayed in Reus, occasionally traveling for a competition. This one was in California.

You smiled and checked your phone to see the text was from Sergi. It always make your heart flutter to hear from him.

He said that he loved you and that you'd do great. That warmed your hear and calmed you down.

Then your name was called by someone helping out the competition. "Y/N? Two minutes we need to be waiting!"

You stood on the sidelines and watched the girl before you finish her routine. It was an amazing routine, she ended everything with a bang. It began to make you nervous how great she did. She was professional, that was for sure.

Your name was called and you took a deep breath walking out onto the mats. You could feel your heart racing but was able to slow it down a little. It just took thinking about how much Sergi loved you to make you calm down.

There was a decent sized crowd, though the amount of people wouldn't make you nervous. Instead it motivated you to do a fantastic job.

Your eyes looked over the crowd and stopped when you noticed a familiar mop of blonde hair. He smiled at you and you waved. Sergi showed up despite of his crazy football schedule. He smiled huge and gave you a nod as if to say "Good luck."

Taking a deep breath you started your routine I sync with the song. You were flawlessly hitting every move and making you known among the scouts watching. Every part of your mind was focused on staying with beat of the music and making every slip and move perfect.

You ended your routine with your big finish and landed it. There was the sound of clapping from the audience and you faced the judges who were scoring you. They had adapted the scoring system from the Olympics. They had to add together the difficulty of your routine and the execution score.

Each of the three judges took a moment to add up their scores.

The hot began to speak each score out loud,

"A 15.7"

"A 16.3"

"And a 16.2! That makes an average score of 16.0!" The host said.

The smile was on your face permanently. Any score above a 16 was considered a great score and you felt like crying happy tears from everything that happened.

Sergi met you at the side and engulfed you in a hug, "You were amazing. 16, that's a good score right??"

You nodded and just staying in his arms. The relationship has been hard to keep since he lived in a different town.

A part of you couldn't be happier that he was on Barcelona, but a part wanted him to play in Reus. He was happy to be living his real, so you couldn't be sad. You missed him a lot, but you couldn't be sad since he was doing great things.

Sergi left a kiss in your cheek and smiled, I told you that you were amazing right?" He smiled like a dork.

You nodded and softly laughed, "I'm so happy you showed up. How did you manage too?"

"I asked my coach for some time off since you're competition was today." He explained.

"You didn't have to miss for me," you awed a little at how cute he was.

He shrugged, "It's one out of hundreds. The team will be fine without me for once."

You smiled a leaned into a kiss. You two hugged for awhile before speaking.

"Since we're done here, how about we go back to your hotel and watch a movie, and take a shower together." He winked.

I just laughed and dragged him to the locker room.

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