Eden Hazard PT1 (Requested)

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 I finally got away from Italy... It is such a relief to finally get away from my family and not hear them yell at each other about everything under the sun. I have been diagnosed with depression, because of my family, but that doesn't stop them from arguing about stupid shit.

I am on a train in London, heading to Chelsea. I had headphones in, so no one would disturb me. No matter how loud my music was, I could still hear yelling. I looked around and seen a group of guys talking to each other really loud. I try to ignore them and close my eyes to get some rest.


I woke up 2 hours later. I looked down at my phone and seen I had 20 messages.  Mostly from my siblings and my father.

Kenzie:  Where the fuck are you? Me and dad looked all over for you!

Dad: You better be home in an hour, or you will regret it!

I just ignore the texts, and continue to listen to my music until I arrived to the Chelsea train station. I gathered my stuff and headed to the nearest hotel. When I walked in, I was greeted by a lobby full of guys. It was the same people that were being loud on the train. I just sigh and wait in line at the counter.

"Hey, I'm Álvaro Morata." A guy says coming up to me.

"Um.. Hello. I'm Elise." I say politely.

"Morata!" I hear a guy yell from behind, "Leave the poor girl alone!" 

A guy about 5'8 runs up to us. I have to admit, he is a little handsome. 

"Hey, I'm Eden Hazard." The guy shakes my hand.


"What is you're name madam?" He ask with a cute little smile.


"Not much of a talker, eh?" He smirks. "Well, I'll see you around, Elise." He kisses my hand, and walks away to talk to other guys.

I just laugh a little, and check into the hotel and g to my room. When I finally found my room, I looked down the hall, and seen Eden walk into a room. I guess he's staying here too. I go into the room and set my stuff down. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell right asleep.


-Eden's POV-

 I woke up around 6am and decided to go get some breakfast. I put on a shirt and some shorts and head out the door. I shared a room with Pedro, and he was still asleep, so I didn't bother waking him.

When I start talking down the hall, I see Elise coming out of her room. She didn't notice me at first.

"Hey, Elise!" I walk up next to her.

"Hey, Eden." She smiles.

"How are you?"

"I've been better."

Her response kinda concerned me, but I didn't want to piss her off even though we just met last night.

"Where you headed?" I asked changing the conversation.

"Just going to breakfast. How about you?"

"I'm going to breakfast too. Since none of my teammates are awake, do you want to join me?" I ask hoping she says yes.

"Why not? I got nothing better to do." She smiles.

We hop onto the elevator, and head to breakfast. When we get downstairs, I see my coach, and his assistant talking about upcoming games. I wave at them, and get my food with Elise. We have a seat in a booth and start eating.

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