Jesse Lingard PT 2

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"Marcus kicks the ball back to Alexis! Alexis stops, passes to Lingard in the box... LINGARD SCO- wait he missed! Oh my god, Jesse Lingard missed again!" One of the announcers said almost too happily.

"This will make two straight games of no goals for Jesse Lingard, if he doesn't score in the next 5 minutes or more if theres overtime!" The other announcer said, "I think losing his fiancée Y/N L/N has really taken a toll on his emotions. Affected his game!"

You turned the TV down. Hearing your name on public television gave you anxiety. A lot of people at the university would be watching this game, a lot of people you know. With Alexis gone for a few days, it's given you time to think.

Every single time they do a close up, well it just kills you to see how dead his eyes look. The color absolutely drained from them, they appear almost a sad grey. There's that little touch of blue if the camera is at the right angle, but its hard to see unless you're looking for it. His hair even manages to look duller, it's sad to see him like this.

You eventually turned the TV off. There was no denying how much you missed Jesse. You missed having him with you at night, you mid knowing that he'd be home on certain days and that those were the days you'd spend together. The faun in your chest, it was a constant pain and Alexis said it was heart break. He also said Jesse was the same way, although, as an almost big brother, he felt you could do better than Jesse, it seemed he was the one for you. Jesse was the man you loved and would always love.

That couldn't be true though because he betrayed you. Lied to you, and cheated on you, There was no way you were in love with him, no possible way.

Deep down you knew Alexis was right, and all it took was the ding of a text message to bring you out of your thoughts.

Chile brother: Hey :/ How's your night been?

Me: Not great... I watched the game.. I'm sorry you lost :(

Chile Brother: It's not your fault, don't apologize

Me: What time does the plane get in? I'll greet you and the boys at the airport :)

You could picture Alexis smile at first, then not.

Chile brother: U don't have to do that. I mean he will be here if that makes you uncomfortable then that's okay too.

Me: Alex, I think I need to see him...

Chile brother: 5:30am our flight lands. Usaly sport that you surprise him, I'll make him go there.

You smiled and stopped texting, if you needed to be there at 5:30, you needed to be awake and ready by 4:45 and out the door by 5.

Even thought you weren't 100% sure of seeing him win your brain, your heart was 200% sure which made up for your brains uncertainty. So you lied down in bed and set an alarm.

--Few Hours Later--

Your hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. Knuckles going white, you were almost positive you were going to turn around and go to Alexis' again, except your heart was stopping you.

All your heart wanted was to see Jesse, see him and his beautiful eyes sparkle again.

After finding. half decent parking spit, you got out and landed against the car. Mentally you weren't prepared for this, you hadn't even gone to the effort to apply makeup. Probably because you assumed you would cry, except you knew it was a bigger reason. Jesse had to be excited to see the all natural you, the you that keeps her hair in a messy bun with minimal or no makeup and cup of coffee in her hand.

Tentatively, you waled through the doors. Taking a deep breath you made your way over to the use spot you'd see the boys pass through after getting off a flight. They all usually wanted something to eat or drink from Starbucks, so that's where you sat waiting. 

Constantly you checked your time, it was 5:40 so they all should definitely be getting off the plane now and be getting their luggage and what not. It took a few minutes and you felt sick all of the sudden. Sick at the thought of seeing Jesse.

Maybe he slept with another whore? Maybe he never cared about you. Maybe, maybe he just lied about loving you, this was all a game to him.

"Jes, come on you need to talk to one of us!" You heard Fred yell.

Luke piped in, "Whatever happened, whatever is gong through your head... Tell us Jes!"

Their voices were clear, you were 100% sure it was them.

"She's just as broken as you are. She's devastated man, she tries to pretend that she only misses the cat.. But she misses you and won't admit it. I heard her crying when I left for the airport. She was in the room, 'taking. nap'" Alexus jumped in.

You stood up and calmly walked isn their direction. The four of them were horizontal to the way you were walking.

"Really? Do you think she still cares about me?" Jesse asked in a hushed whisper, "because I wouldn't care about me."

You took a silent, deep breath, "I know she still cares about you."

Fred and Luke looked pleasantly surprised, smiling a little. Alexis looked almightily and superior, even nudged Luke and whispered something to him.Jesse thought, he was in disbelief, complete and utter disbelief. His eyes had a small sparkle, small but there. Like a small amount of hope, just waiting to explode. He even teared up, a few tears spilling over. "Y/N?" He whispered, "Y/N"

He took some steps towards you, and grabbed your hand gently, "Yes Jess, it's me."

He bit his lip and started chuckling and laughing, "You're really here. You are really here." He repeated. Tears started to spill from your eyes. "No, no. Don't cry baby girl, please don't." He said taking his hand and wiping some tears away. "I don't want to ever be the reason you're crying again; you're too beautiful to be crying," He said playing with the hair on your shoulder. "Too beautiful."

You let out a small breath of air that you didn't realize you had been holding, "I missed you so much."

It felt like your heart was beating right out of your chest, "I was nothing without you. I know I messed up, I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your forgiveness or compassion... but I'm begging you to tale me back, please Y/N. I'm not the same person or footballer without you in my life. I promise to treat  you like how to deserve to be treated. Like a queen; you'll have my undivided attention, I'll be more responsible for you- more mature. I'll love you so much that it hurts my heart and yours to be without you-" he took a breath through his tears. "Please, just take me back and let me marry you y/n. I want you to be Mrs. Lingard, you're the only one that belongs with that name. I love you. I love you so much please forgive mr Y/N, please."

You had a small smile on your lips, and tears forming in your eyes. At this point you didn't trust your voice.

You did what you had been missing for the past couple of weeks. You smashed your lips onto his.

It felt like you were kissing him for hours. Trying to make up for lost times.

Out of nowhere he bent down on one knee, Y/N, I know this is my second time asking, but will you marry me?"

Your answer was simply taking the engagement ring, putting it on your finger then wrapping your arms around his neck; even going slightly on your toes and kissing his soft lips.

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