1. An eyelash

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So let's talk.

We've established that my mind is a maze right? Okay. Cool.

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Have an amazing time :)

- Pranav


It's amazing isn't it, how if you take the time to observe something small - something that you've seen day in, day out once every 10 seconds or so, for every day of your life, you notice that its actually been so beautiful, so useful?

It's like you see a painting and after one stoke of a different colour, or of a different kind, the whole picture changes. It's these little things that change your perspective so radically that make life worth living.

Today I saw a drop of water, nestled amidst eyelashes. As I watched their passage down the lids on to the soft looking hair, as I saw them pool so perfectly at the ends, I suddenly realized that it was one of the most delicate things I'd ever seen.

The way it stretches out- gossamer thin, beyond the eyelids and the way it even flutters when the wind blows too fast; the slight curl at the ends, the way it just lightly brushes the tops of the cheekbones as the eye blinks, these simple, short moments are where you see true beauty.

The whole face can change depending on the lashes of the eye.

And like everything else in the body, it's every strand is useful. We'd be blind a million times over if not for that small unnoticed curtain of hair.

I was told a story when I was young, and I'm fairly certain you've heard the same- when a hair from your lashes falls - not your brow mind, just your lashes - you aren't to let it fall. You're to catch it and place it on the overturned palm, close your eyes, make a wish, and blow, so that that hair takes your wish and whispers it into the ear of the gods themselves.

Beautiful, the stories that mothers come up with just to put us restless little kids to sleep.

So the more you think about it, the more beautiful it becomes. It's not just a body part. The size, the colour, the movement and every hair, makes the eyelash pure magic. Just close your eyes and imagine. Next time you see someone, look. It's not gross unless you make it so. It's just pure, unbridled beauty.

I saw many things today, but what I noticed was an eyelash. 

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