3. A category

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🔹 For Shikhara, who showed me that it was okay to be different; and also because it's his birthday today and he's away in college now.🔹


If you've studied class 12 Biology you'll know that Modern science credits over 95% of who you are to a few organic compounds- Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine (and if you're some kind of retrovirus Uracil as well) These are the four cyclic nitrogen containing organic molecules (Nitrogenous bases) that make up our blueprint.

Depending on the order in which these base pairs are arranged, different products are made and these in turn make up you.

We contain over a billion such base pairs.

So mathematically speaking, the probability of someone else having the exact same base pair sequence as you, in the exact same order is about 1 in 12 billion. Considering that as of now, there are just shy of eight billion people on planet earth, it's safe to say that there's no one in the world quite like you.

So yeah, each individual really is different.

A class contains not 50 students but 50 individuals. A doctor during a day treats not 20 patients, but 20 different individuals- each with their own needs. India's population in not that of 1.2 billion people, but 1.2 billion varied minds, hearts and souls.

So then how is it, that every person is judged on the same bar? Why must we all fall under the set parameters of intelligence, or beauty or mannerisms? Why is a class full of individuals judged by the same means?

Why is it that in 12th grade, if you study you're good, but if you play you're irresponsible? Why is it that if you believe in God, you're an ideal child, but if you don't, you're ill mannered? Why is it that wearing a t-shirt and shorts to class on a summer day is indecent, but subjecting yourself to a suit is the epitome of decency?

If each individual is different, then is each individual not allowed their own beliefs? Is each individual not entitled to respect from the rest of the world? Nobody wants acceptance. Not really. They just want an equal and fair opportunity. Who be we to deny them that?

There is a woman, a very successful one today, who made probably the most controversial announcement, perhaps ever - on public television no less- over 20 years ago.  She was completely unmade after that, stripped of her reputation. Yet she insists that being forced to restart was the best thing that happened to her. For now, the world respects her for who she is. Not who she is meant to be.

The world is changing. Slowly, but progress by any other name is just as sweet. So every time you feel tempted to blend in, remember. "you're original and cannot be replaced" and "after a hurricane, there comes a rainbow"

I saw many things today, but what I noticed were the divisions.


As things are re-read and change, they dilute. As things are censored, they become distorted and meaningless and to avoid censorship, things become biased. 

At the end of this super short piece today, I'm going to leave you with this. Comment and let me know what you think!

On a much lighter note, my schedule is kinda sorta almost fixed so updates will come every Tuesday and Saturday. I was late this time and as a bonus, I'll be uploading another piece tomorrow

Vote, Comment, Share, add to your reading lists and libraries and do all the things! Stay tuned and have an amazing time!

- Pranav

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